Table tennis rubbers by brand

  1. Andro
  2. Butterfly
  3. Donic
  4. DHS
  5. Nittaku
  6. Stiga
  7. Tibhar
  8. Xiom
  9. Yasaka

Top 20 tensor table tennis rubbers

Tensor table tennis rubber is essentially a high-tech rubber that uses a special construction to generate more speed and spin compared to traditional rubbers. It’s like a springy layer built into the rubber, giving your shots a “catapult effect.” This makes them popular, but also generally more expensive.

  1. Butterfly Tenergy 05
  2. Yasaka Rakza 7
  3. Donic Baracuda
  4. Xiom Vega Europe
  5. Butterfly Tenergy 64
  6. Xiom Vega Pro
  7. Nittaku Fastarc G-1
  8. Butterfly Tenergy 05 FX
  9. Andro Rasant
  10. Tibhar Evolution MX-P
  11. Yasaka Rakza 7 Soft
  12. Andro Rasant Grip
  13. Butterfly Tenergy 80
  14. DHS NEO Skyline 2 TG2
  15. Tibhar Evolution MX-S
  16. Andro Rasanter R47
  17. DHS NEO Skyline 3 TG3
  18. Donic Bluefire M1
  19. Xiom Omega IV Pro
  20. Butterfly Rozena

Full list of tensor table tennis rubbers

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