Top 20 tensor table tennis rubbers

Tensor table tennis rubber is essentially a high-tech rubber that uses a special construction to generate more speed and spin compared to traditional rubbers. It’s like a springy layer built into the rubber, giving your shots a “catapult effect.” This makes them popular, but also generally more expensive.

  1. Butterfly Tenergy 05
  2. Yasaka Rakza 7
  3. Donic Baracuda
  4. Yasaka Mark V
  5. Xiom Vega Europe
  6. Butterfly Tenergy 64
  7. Xiom Vega Pro
  8. Nittaku Fastarc G-1
  9. Butterfly Tenergy 05 FX
  10. Andro Rasant
  11. Tibhar Evolution MX-P
  12. Yasaka Rakza 7 Soft
  13. Andro Rasant Grip
  14. Butterfly Tenergy 80
  15. Donic Acuda S2
  16. Tibhar Evolution MX-S
  17. Butterfly Sriver
  18. Andro Rasanter R47
  19. Donic Bluefire M1
  20. Xiom Omega IV Pro

Full list of tensor table tennis rubbers

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