DHS NEO Hurricane 3

DHS NEO Hurricane 3 table tennis rubberDHS NEO Hurricane 3 table tennis rubber

Rubber description:

DHS NEO Hurricane 3 is a classic table tennis rubber, cherished by players worldwide for its outstanding performance and versatility. It features a hard and tacky top sheet that generates exceptional spin and control, making it ideal for all-around play. The rubber's 8.2 tackiness rating facilitates excellent grip on the ball, allowing players to execute precise shots with ease.

With a speed rating of 12 and a spin rating of 11, the DHS NEO Hurricane 3 offers a superb balance of power and control. The rubber's sponge hardness of 8 contributes to its excellent responsiveness and feel, allowing players to generate powerful shots with minimal effort. The 8.6 gears rating indicates the rubber's ability to adapt to various playing styles and produce different levels of spin and speed depending on the player's technique.

The NEO Hurricane 3 rubber's throw angle of 5.9 ensures a relatively low trajectory, providing excellent control and precision. This characteristic makes it a great choice for players who prefer a more controlled and consistent playing style. The rubber's consistency rating of 7.4 signifies its ability to deliver consistent performance over time, ensuring reliable and dependable play.

The DHS NEO Hurricane 3 is known for its exceptional durability, with a durability rating of 7.5. This indicates that the rubber can withstand intensive use and maintain its performance characteristics for a longer period. Its overall rating of 9 out of 10 reflects the rubber's exceptional quality and suitability for players of all skill levels.

Overall, the DHS NEO Hurricane 3 is an excellent choice for players seeking a versatile and high-performance table tennis rubber. Its combination of spin, control, speed, and durability makes it a favorite among players worldwide.

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