Friendship/729 Battle 3

Rubber description:

Friendship/729 Battle 3 is a popular table tennis rubber known for its excellent all-around performance, combining speed, spin, and control. Rated 13 for speed and 14 for spin, it offers a great balance between offensive and defensive capabilities, making it suitable for a wide range of players.

The Battle 3 rubber features a tacky surface with a rating of 9.3, providing excellent grip and control over the ball, allowing for precise placement and spin variation. The sponge hardness, rated at 8.5, offers a good balance between speed and control, enabling both powerful shots and delicate touch play.

Despite its focus on all-around play, the Battle 3 still retains a high gears rating of 10, indicating its ability to generate tremendous spin and power when needed. This makes it a great option for players looking to add an extra dimension to their game, whether it's aggressive topspins or deceptive serves.

With a throw angle of 4, the Battle 3 produces a relatively low trajectory, keeping the ball close to the table, which is ideal for controlling the pace and maintaining consistency. This also contributes to the rubber's excellent control rating of 13, making it easy to manage even fast-paced rallies.

In terms of durability, the Battle 3 is rated at 8.5, indicating its ability to withstand regular use and maintain its performance over time. While it may not be as durable as some other rubbers, it still offers good value for its price.

Overall, the Friendship/729 Battle 3 is a versatile and well-rounded table tennis rubber that caters to a wide range of playing styles. With its combination of speed, spin, control, and durability, it's no wonder that it remains a popular choice among players of all levels.

Recent Reviews

#1 — Long Time Ago...

First training with DHS 301 and Battle 3.
Excellent control in blocking and short / long push. Very easy to generate spin and counter-attack.
Also very impressed with the smashes consistency even from a very low ball height (could also be the blade helping …).

#2 — Long Time Ago...

This surprisingly good performing rubber is available in 38, 39, and 30-degree sponge hardness. I tested a 39.

Out of the box, the rubber has a smooth sponge surface and a very strong, unpleasant smell. At the bouncing test, the rubber feels slow due to its tackiness. However, when you start playing, it showcases all its excellent abilities.

There’s a slight catapult effect, but not as pronounced as with tensors. Every stroke succeeds well, from short to short, serves, counterattacks, and topspin. This rubber is a successful blend of European/Japanese and Chinese brick-hard rubbers, with a soft and tacky rubber surface.

The biggest pro of this “hybrid rubber” is its price. It’s a good option for those who don’t like pure Chinese rubbers or the tensor catapult effect.

#3 — Long Time Ago...

My number one forehand rubber! It beats all H3 variants and any other Chinese rubber I have tried to date. With 40°, one or two layers of Seamoon, it is absolutely amazing. Not only do I play better with it, but I can also hit more shots with more speed, spin, placement, and confidence. Its durability is very good, as it remains as good as new after several months of use. Moreover, it comes at an excellent price. Initially, it needs some time to break in, like many other Chinese rubbers, so be patient. I wouldn’t change this rubber for anything else. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes Chinese rubbers on their forehand.

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