DHS Hurricane 301

Composite/carbon 53 reviews

DHS Hurricane 301 table tennis bladeDHS Hurricane 301 table tennis bladeDHS Hurricane 301 table tennis blade

Blade description:

The DHS Hurricane 301 table tennis blade is a masterpiece crafted to elevate your game to new heights. Constructed with a unique combination of 5 wood plies and 2 Arylate Carbon layers, this blade strikes the perfect balance between speed and control. It boasts a speed rating of 9.1, enabling explosive shots and lightning-fast rallies. Yet, despite its impressive speed, the Hurricane 301 maintains remarkable control, earning a rating of 9.4. This exceptional control grants you the precision and consistency to execute your shots with utmost accuracy.

The blade's 4.1 stiffness rating indicates a medium stiffness level, providing a forgiving feel that facilitates learning and improvement. Its hardness of 5.4 ensures exceptional durability, withstanding the rigors of intense matches and training sessions. The Hurricane 301's overall rating of 9.5 speaks volumes about its exceptional performance, earning accolades from both professional players and recreational enthusiasts alike.

Based on numerous forum reviews, the DHS Hurricane 301 is highly revered for its versatility. It seamlessly adapts to various playing styles, whether you prefer aggressive topspin attacks or controlled all-round play. The blade's exceptional consistency, rated at 9.1, ensures that your shots land consistently where you intend them to, boosting your confidence and enabling you to dominate the table.

Forum users also highlight the Hurricane 301's exceptional craftsmanship. DHS, a renowned brand in the table tennis world, has meticulously designed this blade to meet the demands of discerning players. Its flawless construction and premium materials guarantee a satisfying playing experience, enhancing your enjoyment and unlocking your true potential.

In conclusion, the DHS Hurricane 301 table tennis blade is a remarkable piece of equipment that caters to the needs of players seeking a balance between speed and control. Its versatility, consistency, and exceptional craftsmanship make it a top choice for players of all skill levels, helping them excel in their pursuit of table tennis mastery.

Recent Reviews

#1 — March 2023

After a few months of trial and error, I realized that your personal technique must be adjusted to fully utilize this blade. The flex and structure of this blade bring more confidence to short play. If you have a strong forehand using Chinese rubbers, this blade is for you.

Timing is the adjustment needed when switching from a more rigid composition. It brings confidence when transitioning between FH & BH. It’s quite unique at first and needs time to adjust. I believe it’s worth the price.

It’s crucial to seal the blade before gluing because continuous switching rubbers can cause splintering. Sealing is key to maintaining its integrity.

#2 — October 2022

An excellent blade for those seeking the best control without compromising speed. The more rigid inner layers engage only when needed, never giving the impression of a stiff blade. Super in all aspects.

#3 — October 2022

This is one of the best blades I have ever played. It’s so good that I had to rebuy it after selling it because I thought it would have become too fast for me due to a lack of practice during lockdown. If you can find one below 85-86g, you’re very lucky.

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