Tensor 9 reviews

9 Reviews

#1 — June 2023

The Loki RXTON 1 is a very good rubber. While it has a low speed rating, the ratings for spin and control are notably higher. The top sheet is of high quality, similar to the sponge. However, I did find that the spin of the red rubber is a bit brittle compared to the black one. When pinched, the red rubber feels softer than the black, which is why I chose to use the black for my forehand.

With a quality blade, you can launch topspin missiles toward your opponent, especially if your technique is solid. Blocking is excellent, and you can angle the ball to place it in your opponent’s uncomfortable side. I believe the hardness degree falls between 37-40 on the Chinese scale.

The rubber is sticky at first, but this tackiness diminishes over time. Nevertheless, there is still some tackiness left, though not as much as that of H3, and it remains adherent to a plastic sheet. You can replace the rubbers every month or so because they are quite affordable.

Over the years, I have used Mercury 2, but they have now fallen off, and the Rxton 1 has successfully replaced them for me.

#2 — June 2023

Questa gomma è ottima per imparare a giocare. Il prezzo è davvero contenuto considerando ciò che offre.

È appiccicosa quanto basta per afferrare la palla, garantendo un buon controllo, un buon rimbalzo e un’ottima durata. La velocità è più che sufficiente per chiudere il punto. L’ho provata su una racchetta a 7 strati di legno e la sensazione che ho percepito è chiara e positiva.

In definitiva, rappresenta un buon compromesso per chi non vuole spendere troppo senza rinunciare a un minimo di qualità. Consigliata!

#3 — January 2023

This rubber is a great bargain at just 8 dollars. It offers average speed, but this can be easily enhanced with proper physical effort.

The rubber performs very well for serving; however, you need to make solid contact to generate a significant amount of spin. Otherwise, the spin produced is minimal.

In terms of control, the rubber is average and provides a good medium-high throw angle. The tackiness is only medium, similar to hybrid rubbers.

I recommend this product; just pair it with a fast, medium to medium-hard blade for the best results.

#4 — June 2022

For just $5, this is the best rubber available at such a ridiculously low price. The speed and spin are decent; while not extremely fast, they are reasonable. This rubber has a bouncier feeling compared to the H3, making it suitable for both forehand (FH) and backhand (BH) shots.

I believe the current speed rating of 7.9 is too low. In my opinion, it feels a little bouncier and faster than the H3. Some other reviewers are giving it ratings that are too low regarding speed.

Additionally, it feels like this rubber can last a long time and appears to have solid build quality.

#5 — March 2022

На сегодняшний день я протестировал множество различных ми на своем деревянном ракетке. Каждое новое покрытие добавляет свои уникальные характеристики: скорость, вращение и контроль. Что касается данной модели, она действительно произвела впечатление своим сочетанием всех этих качеств.

С прилагаемыми характеристиками, я был удивлён высокой стабильностью при выполнении топспинов. Первое ощущение было, будто ракетка сама показывает, как нужно играть. Благодаря сбалансированной конфигурации, я понимаю, что это покрытие идеально подходит для атакующих игроков, которые любят активную игру на столе.

В то время как я использовал эту резину, у меня возникло множество возможностей для различных комбинаций ударов. Ощущение на мяче было просто великолепным, и это значительно повышает уверенность в своих действиях, особенно когда ты пытаешься поймать противника в момент удара.

Тем не менее, стоит отметить, что для новичков данный продукт может показаться слишком сложным в освоении. Неопытные игроки могут испытывать трудности с контролем и управлением этой резиной. Однако после небольшой практики, мои навыки значительно улучшились, и я почувствовал себя гораздо более уверенно на площадке.

Также стоит упомянуть об общем качестве материала. Оно просто отличное, и я уверен, что оно прослужит долго. В конечном счете, данная модель своего рода универсал: она отлично подходит как для атакующих, так и для контролирующих игроков, что делает её идеальным выбором для тех, кто ищет универсальное покрытие.

В заключение, я абсолютно рекомендую данное покрытие всем любителям настольного тенниса. Если вы хотите улучшить свои навыки и почувствовать себя более уверенно на площадке, это именно то, что вам нужно.

#6 — December 2021

I tried this rubber glued onto a Loki RXTON I carbon blade. This is quite a hard combination, so the feeling isn’t very soft. The speed is lower compared to the usual Yinhe V-14 PRO and DHS H3 41° that I’m accustomed to.

Although this is a low-cost setup, it’s still very playable. The spin is present when brushing the ball. While it doesn’t spin as much as the H3, it is similar to the Palio HK1997 Gold, albeit with a harder sponge. Additionally, the top sheet feels like it is of really good quality, just like the rest of the Rxton series.

#7 — Long Time Ago...

Completed! I bought this rubber on AliExpress for €6. My black rubber weighed 87 grams in its packaging. Uncut, it weighed 64 grams (with protective film), and ultimately, it weighed 46 grams (155 x 150 mm) on my blade.

I found that the level of spin depends heavily on the blade used. This rubber can be quite well compared to the Reaktor V5; however, the Roxton 1 is a little faster (it delivers more catapult!), is softer, lighter (approximately 2 grams lighter when cut), and produces slightly less spin.

In conclusion, whether for beginners or advanced users, this rubber is absolutely convincing and unbeatable at this price point. I would absolutely not prefer European or Japanese rubbers in the price segment under €20, even if they are more elastic (softer).

Additionally, I took the time to determine the sponge hardness levels for my three rubbers using my Shore measuring device. The result for the black rubber was 50 degrees once and 52 degrees the other time. The red rubber also measured 52 degrees, which corresponds to the international level, but translates to Chinese levels of 38 and 39.

#8 — Long Time Ago...

This rubber is quite disappointing. While it offers okay control, it provides minimal spin for both chops and topspin. Additionally, it is very slow in performance.

Overall, I would categorize this rubber as a budget option, suitable only for complete beginners.

#9 — Long Time Ago...

He estado usando esta goma desde el año pasado y, literalmente, no hay mejor opción en términos de precio y calidad.

Ofrece un buen control, aunque el spin es un poco deficiente. Es muy dura, con 41 grados en la escala de dureza de los gomas chinas, y tiene una velocidad moderada.

Cabe destacar que la probé en un XVT Archer B Carbon, y después, al aplicar cuatro capas de acelerador, la mejora fue bastante notable.

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