Butterfly Tenergy 05


Butterfly Tenergy 05 table tennis rubberButterfly Tenergy 05 table tennis rubber

Rubber description:

Butterfly Tenergy 05 table tennis rubber stands as one of the most iconic and highly acclaimed rubbers in the sport's history. With an impressive overall rating of 9.3, it has captured the hearts of countless players worldwide and earned a reputation for its exceptional performance.

Crafted with precision, Tenergy 05 features a unique composition that combines high speed and spin with remarkable control. Its speed rating of 13 allows players to unleash powerful shots and cover the table with ease, while its spin rating of 11 generates devastating rotation to keep opponents at bay. Despite its impressive power and spin capabilities, Tenergy 05 maintains a commendable control rating of 8.3, enabling players to execute intricate techniques and maintain accuracy in their shots.

The rubber's tackiness level of 2.3 provides a delicate balance between grip and responsiveness. It allows players to impart controlled spin on the ball without sacrificing touch or feel. The sponge hardness of 6.1 contributes to the rubber's overall performance by providing a blend of power and control. It's firm enough to generate impressive speed and spin, yet soft enough to maintain a sense of control and precision.

With a gears rating of 8.7, Tenergy 05 offers excellent versatility. It adapts seamlessly to various playing styles and techniques, whether you're an aggressive attacker or a strategic defender. The throw angle of 7.6 strikes a fine balance, allowing for both low, penetrating shots and high-arching loops.

The consistency of Tenergy 05 is highly praised by players, earning it a rating of 9.3. It delivers consistent performance shot after shot, match after match. Its durability, rated at 7.7, ensures that it can withstand the rigors of intense play and maintain its exceptional qualities over time.

Overall, Butterfly Tenergy 05 is a masterpiece among table tennis rubbers, suitable for players of all levels seeking a harmonious combination of speed, spin, control, and versatility. Its superior performance and exceptional ratings make it a top choice for those seeking excellence in their game.

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