Butterfly Tenergy 05 FX


Butterfly Tenergy 05 FX table tennis rubberButterfly Tenergy 05 FX table tennis rubber

Rubber description:

Butterfly Tenergy 05 FX rubber offers a perfect combination of speed, spin, control, and feel for table tennis players of all levels. Rated 130 for speed and 115 for spin, this rubber generates exceptional power and rotation, while maintaining great control with an 8.8 rating. The slightly tacky surface of the rubber (3/5) enhances grip and allows for precise spin techniques.

The Tenergy 05 FX features a medium-soft sponge hardness of 4 on a scale of 1-10, providing a delicate balance between speed and control. It has a moderate throw angle of 6 and a high level of consistency (9.3/10), ensuring reliable performance and accuracy in every shot. Butterfly Tenergy 05 FX stands out for its exceptional gears rating of 8.4, which signifies its ability to seamlessly transition between different playing styles and techniques. No matter if you're looping, driving, or countering, the rubber responds effortlessly.

In terms of durability, the Tenergy 05 FX receives a solid rating of 7.7 out of 10. While it may not be the most long-lasting rubber on the market, its overall performance and capabilities make it a worthwhile investment for dedicated players. The rubber comes in a variety of thicknesses, catering to different playing preferences and styles.

As reflected in its 9.3 overall rating and numerous positive reviews on forums, Butterfly Tenergy 05 FX is a highly regarded rubber among table tennis enthusiasts. Its well-rounded characteristics and suitability for a wide range of playing styles make it a popular choice for both recreational and competitive players seeking a combination of power, spin, and control.

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