DHS Hurricane 3 Neo Provincial (Blue Sponge)


13 Reviews

#1February 2023

Review text:

Putting this rubber on forehand side of Viscaria, unboosted. I still remember the 1st day I used it, this rubber was extremely slow that I needed to hit very hard and nearly injured my shoulder. But eventually this rubber behaves “more normally”.

Definitely a hard rubber, but the feeling is more like a slower, “very hard” euro/jap rubber. Compared to commercial, I think it has less tackiness (still able to pick up ball for a fraction of second), but more bouncy.

Serve is very spinny with good technique, short return especially push can be performed with abundance of control. Slow spinny opening has monstrous spin, but only with plenty of acceleration and fine touch to brush the ball and control the arc.

The only way to fully utilize this rubber’s offensive properties is by using effective weight transfer. Definitely not for players who mainly use their arm and wrist to generate power. Coming from years of using tensor rubber, it took me months of diligent practice to start getting used to this rubber.

Throw angle is rather high, but the arc is very low and flat. Combination of this rubber and Viscaria needs excellent technique to control the spin and arc. Requires very good care! Very susceptible to be dirty, which will alter the feeling greatly.

#2February 2023

Hurricane 3 is a bit slow compared to any other brands in FH, but it has monstrous spin. It is only suitable for advanced users and FH looping playing style.

Use Hurricane 3 only if you are good at generating force when you are FH looping. Otherwise, go for D09c or other European sticky rubbers.

#3May 2022

Everything said about this rubber is true. It’s a delight and a dangerous weapon in the hand of a worthy player. Full commitment loops are a breeze with this, and no wonder Ma Long and co. use this rubber. It’s not easy to play even though it’s not fast, but you have to brush every ball otherwise the ball quality is not good or, worse, you failed. It’s my second favorite Chinese rubber behind Friendship’s Battle 2. Both are the best of the best when it comes to Chinese rubbers.

#4May 2022

Good offensive rubber, very explosive and spinny with fast topspin.

#5December 2021

Boosted H3 NEO Blue Sponge

Review text:

  • Fast rubber!
  • Produces beautiful arc on loops and awesome spin.
  • Good for service, very tacky rubber.
  • In my opinion, T05 is no match for a boosted H3 NEO Blue Sponge.
  • Available in different thicknesses and hardnesses. I use 2.1 / 2.15 / 41 deg.
  • 41 degrees worked well for me, but it might be too hard for those who don’t use much power or prefer a more bouncy feel.

Speed: 9.2
Spin: 9.4
Control: 9.4

#6May 2020

Spin monster, less tacky than other hurricane rubbers, speed is better than commercial rubbers.

When used with a FLEX BLADE, it’s a WOW combination.

#7February 2020

Very good rubber.
I boosted it, and this rubber is just… magic.
Perfect spin and attacking loop, but you need very good footwork for this rubber.

#8February 2020

Too tacky and not effective without a booster. This rubber is simply too slow for backhands and is not suitable for players who do not move their legs when playing. Out of the package, the rubber is tacky and spinny, but it collects dust over time and must be cleaned after every use to maintain its spin. Players who sweat on their bat should stay away from this rubber, as it requires constant maintenance. The speed of this rubber is non-existent, and there is little to no catapult effect. For players who like the spin but want more speed, consider using Tenergy 05 or the national version of this rubber.

#9February 2020

Honestly, this rubber is excessively tacky. It suits my playing style as it grips soaking wet balls well, which I prefer to throw my opponents off. However, the tackiness also causes issues. If I leave my bat on the table with Hurricane facing down, it sticks and takes around 5 minutes to remove. Additionally, when I try to wipe dust off the rubber with my forehand, my arm gets stuck. The throw angle is not optimal either, as I prefer a high arc rather than dumping my topspin shots into the net. Nonetheless, I can’t conclusively say if the issue lies with the rubber or my technique. Regardless, I would advise caution when considering this rubber.

#10October 2019

Great looping machine with tons of spin generated. Opponents found it hard to receive or block due to the amount of unexpected topspin causing the ball to fly off the table.

I don’t know why this rubber is rated lower than other Hurricane 3 rubbers, but to me, this is a much livelier sponge with a more grippy top sheet than the dead Hurricane 3.

Although I don’t boost my rubbers, I still feel that a boosted Hurricane 3 commercial would not beat this if one has better footwork to make use of the additional spin generated.


Also, I want to clarify that the blue sponge is very different from the orange sponge. Those who think they are the same probably could not utilize the hard-hitting rubber and thus feel the same. The blue sponge is much harder than the orange sponge, and you need to HIT MUCH HARDER. However, the result is worth every effort of the stroke, which usually finishes the point.

#11October 2017

This is one of the best rubbers I have used. Before, I used Butterfly T05 on both sides with Garaydia ZLC. After finding out about this rubber, I bought it for my forehand and a Butterfly T64 to give me good spins on my backhand. With this rubber, I get really good top spins and long rallies. If you are looking for a good rubber, I think this rubber is perfect for OFF gameplay.

#12August 2017

Velocidade e efeito são perfeitos, o bloqueio é muito bom, mas o que realmente impressiona é o controle dessa borracha. Topspin e side spin são extremamente fáceis de realizar.

Tenho usado no forehand há 2 semanas e estou maravilhado. Antes usava Tenergy 05, essa borracha não perde nada para nenhuma outra borracha japonesa ou europeia. Ela está colada na Butterfly Innerforce ALC. Optei pela dureza 41 com 2,1 mm de espessura.

Não pense duas vezes antes de comprar essa borracha!

#13Long Time Ago...

A medium-hard sponge that generates more spin with decent control. However, it lacks speed compared to most rubbers (e.g., Donic M1, M2, and M3).

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