Friendship/729 Focus 2

7 reviews

7 Reviews

#1 — November 2022

My favorite rubber for a long time has been the Focus II. After trying something new, I always find myself coming back to it.

This rubber does not interfere with my playing style and allows me to execute my shots exactly as I want.

#2 — September 2010

This is a more Euro-type rubber, similar to other Focus rubbers. Focus II features the hardest sponge and a lower throw, which is one of the lowest throws among 729 rubbers. However, there are other brands that offer rubbers with an even lower throw.

While it may not be the best choice for serving, there are better 729 rubbers available for looping. Overall, Focus II is a very nice rubber across many categories.

#3 — July 2010

I have two sheets of 1.8mm rubber on a Yinhe all-wood blade, the M6. This rubber is good, with the black sheet being slightly tacky, while the red sheet was not. The tackiness of the black rubber diminished after about an hour of play and did not return, even with cleaning.

I like this rubber for an all-around to offensive game. I can drive the ball with either topspin or loop from mid-distance and chop or block with consistency. Currently, I am lending this blade and rubber combination to a relative who has just taken up the game.

The control is very good; it’s a nice rubber from 729, so I give it a thumbs up. I also purchased each sheet off eBay for under £1.05, plus £2.99 shipping. Overall, it’s great value for money.

#4 — May 2010

I played with the Focus II rubber on my backhand side in a match against a Jonyer, and I immediately noticed an improvement in my performance. My loops were consistently landing on the table again, as the rubber gripped the ball exceptionally well.

The rubber allowed for very consistent looping against backspin, and I found it wasn’t slow at all. The sponge feels medium hard, which contributes to its performance.

I found it excellent for looping at the table, as well as blocking and looping from mid-distance. The only downside was that it only had a slight tackiness that faded within about 10 minutes of play.

#5 — January 2010

Friendship 729 Focus 2 is the best rubber for offensive play. It is designed for players who predominantly focus on attacking.

I use this rubber on my forehand, and I have found it to be exceptional in performance.

I highly recommend this rubber to both my brother and my friends, as it truly is an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their game.

#6 — March 2009

If you are looking for a good rubber that is affordable, you should consider the Focus II. It is inexpensive, controllable, and relatively fast and spinny.

However, like the Sriver-EL, it lacks a strong sense of spin and speed that would make it a dangerous rubber. As a result, some mishits may turn into easy smashes for your opponent. Therefore, you need to strike the ball consistently and with good technique.

#7 — April 2008

This is now my new choice for forehand rubber. The hardness of the rubber makes it excellent for drives and smashes. Looping still works very well due to the softness and elasticity of the top sheet. If looping is all you want to do, then F1 is what you are looking for.

Being tacky and having a hard sponge makes serves, short games, and blocking very easy. Focus 1 is softer than this, and Focus 3 is even softer. Both of those seem a little slow to me, although Focus 3 seems to generate decent speed away from the table with a large swing.

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