Tibhar Stratus Power Wood

All-wood 57 reviews

Tibhar Stratus Power Wood table tennis bladeTibhar Stratus Power Wood table tennis blade

Blade description:

The Tibhar Stratus Power Wood table tennis blade is a high-performance offensive blade designed for players seeking a balance of power and control. Constructed with five plies of carefully selected wood, it boasts a speed rating of 9 and a control rating of 7.5, making it suitable for a wide range of playing styles.

The blade's unique composition provides exceptional consistency and a crisp feel on impact. With a stiffness rating of 5 and a hardness rating of 5.4, it offers a solid foundation for both attacking and defensive shots. Reviewers on various forums have praised the Stratus Power Wood's ability to generate powerful topspin loops while maintaining excellent control, making it a versatile option for all-round players.

Weighing in at approximately 85 grams, the Tibhar Stratus Power Wood offers a comfortable and balanced feel in the hand. Its 5-ply construction contributes to a well-distributed weight, allowing for precise shot placement and effortless handling. The blade's overall rating of 9.4, based on 132 user reviews, reflects its exceptional performance and popularity among table tennis enthusiasts.

The Tibhar Stratus Power Wood is a versatile and high-quality blade suitable for players of all skill levels. Its combination of power, control, and consistency makes it an excellent choice for those looking to elevate their game and achieve success on the table tennis court.

Recent Reviews

#1 — April 2023

I used this racket for 11 months, going from a 500 Rating to 1100. Given its budget-friendly price, I think it’s a good option for beginners.

#2 — January 2023

A good racket in its category, offering average properties that make it particularly suitable for beginners. However, the handle may require some time to adjust to.

#3 — November 2022

As advertised, this blade delivers on every aspect of the game! Looping, blocking, pushing, and flips—it does it all! It has tremendous feel and balance, and the larger grip fits my mitts perfectly! Great job, Tibhar!

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