Yinhe N-10


4 Reviews

#1 — March 2017

Simply an excellent blade! If you’re a two-wing looper, you’ll love it. It’s a bit slower than the PG9/PG7 in terms of speed, but it’s fast enough. The weight varies between 85-90 grams. It’s very flexible! The control is very high, allowing you to place the ball exactly where you want it. It’s rated as All+, so it’s not a slow blade.

Yinhe’s craftsmanship is excellent. Although it’s slower than the PG9 and PG7, I would prefer it any day over those two DHS blades. It has enough speed, along with plenty of control and spin.

FH& BH loops and drives are much better with the N10 compared to both the PG7 and PG9. While the FH drive is faster with the PG9 and PG7, the control is better with the N10. Blocking is the same for all three blades. Executing short and long pushes is easier with the N10 than the other two. Executing flicks is also fairly easy.

Overall, I would say that this blade is better than both the PG7 and PG9 if you’re a looper.

CON: Quality control: The blade varies a lot in terms of quality. If possible, check it personally. I found that some of the blades aren’t symmetric, which can hinder the game.

#2 — October 2015

Perfect beginners blade. Very friendly all round, but not great at anything in particular.

#3 — October 2014

The allround blade is excellent for both attack and defense. It provides good control for short games near the net. For forehand strokes, fast rubber with a medium hard sponge is recommended.

#4 — November 2012

Nicely made blade. For the price, it doesn’t look bad at all.

I tried it with Tenergy on and it plays pretty well. It is an all+ blade and gives a nice touch of control for Tenergy. It’s not crazy fast.

It is hard to evaluate the blade itself because you never play with a blade alone (you always have rubbers on it).

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