Donic BlueGrip C2

Tensor 9 reviews

9 Reviews

#1 — March 2023

I changed to C2 from DHS Skyline NEO 2 for more effortless catapult and faster blocks. The blue sponge feels unique.

The top sheet needs careful protection to retain its small tackiness. It’s probably one of the best European hybrids.

A little boosting makes the max sponge version excel further.

#2 — March 2023

Last rubbers that were ordered from TT11 the rubbers are not sticky anymore and they don’t hold the ball. Now it’s a simple hard tensor with no dwell time which is impossible to play with. :(.

Used to be:
Excellent rubber for active Forehand and backhand play. I like that it’s a little sticky and gives you a little extra dwell time on power shots. But the last batches that I ordered were absolutely without tackiness. And it’s a different rubber. I hope that it’s only in last batches like this and Donic will make the rubber sticky again in new batches.

#3 — September 2022

Victas V>15 Extra Review

This is a fairly hard and heavy rubber, rated 55 on the ESN scale. It’s suitable for looping, but it requires excellent technique and power to execute effective loops. Blocking with this rubber can be inconsistent, as it demands precise angles, likely due to its firmness and thickness.

Serving is quite effective with this rubber, as it generates significant spin. While not exceptionally grippy, it has a slightly higher grip level than average ESN rubbers. Its price is competitive compared to similar products.

In comparison to a regular unboosted Neo Hurricane 3 (39, 2.2mm), this rubber (max thickness) produces less spin but offers greater speed. However, I still prefer the Hurricane primarily for its price, spin, and durability.

Overall, this is a solid rubber that’s worth considering. If you’re seeking a highly tacky and grippy rubber similar to Chinese options, this isn’t suitable. But if you’re looking for a great, relatively grippy, and fast rubber at a competitive price, it’s certainly worth trying. It’s primarily intended for forehand play, but it can also be effective for backhand if you possess strong power.

Test Setup: Donic Waldner Senso Ultra Carbon

#4 — June 2022

This rubber produces a unique click sound and sensation. When striking the ball, it provides a tangible connection between the rubber and blade, enhancing my confidence and allowing me to identify errors in my technique. Among the numerous rubbers I’ve tested (over 50), this rubber offers the most exceptional feel.

Primarily utilized on Clipper CR, Viscaria, and Rutis Revo blades, I intend to experiment with it on an offensive flexible all-wood blade soon.

Suitable for both backhand and forehand strokes, it excels on the forehand.

In my opinion, it performs admirably in all aspects of the forehand, including chopping effectively.

Counterattacks, counter-spins, and loop kills are its strengths.

Backhand punches are highly effective, and attacking near the table with early ball contact yields exceptional results. However, it requires a strong backhand and the ability to angle the racket for optimal performance.

Speed: 9.2
Spin: 9.4
Control: 9.5
Gears: 9.5
Throw angle: 7.3
Arc: High and long, making it challenging for opponents to counter.
Consistency: 10.0
Durability: 8.0 It loses some tackiness over time, but it remains consistent thereafter.

#5 — September 2021

Hi All! I decided to test this rubber. After 40 hours of play, here are my conclusions.

This rubber is a European-style Chinese rubber. It has some catapult, and flat hits don’t go down. If you press it on the ball, it can lift the ball 1-2 cm when new. The sponge is 50 degrees, but the rubber is softish. It grabs the ball firmly.

If you play with a modern tensor rubber, small adjustments are needed. For those who love Nittaku Fastarc G-1, this is definitely an upgrade. It is a bit more lively and a bit more aggressive for looping.

Due to the hard sponge, you should have good technique to use this rubber. A decent force is required to engage the sponge, but then it will produce a very high-quality shot.

The spin and the curve are enormous—the harder you hit, the more spin is generated. Compared to the standard 47.5-degree European rubbers, which I usually overpower at 80% of my power, this Bluegrip C2 is stronger than me. No matter how hard I loop, if I add more power, my balls aren’t getting longer. So it is rewarding if you are a looper. You can loop with and without engaging the sponge.

What is good:

  • Over the table opening
  • Short powerful strokes
  • Loops
  • Counterloops
  • Overpowering the ball/your opponent
  • Service

What is bad:

  • Spin sensitivity
  • Counterloop over the table
  • Out of position shots

After some training, I could not figure out how to play aggressively against a chopper. With M1, I could do what I want and how I want, but with C2, I can only lift the ball. I can’t kill it. Over the table counterlooping requires a considerable amount of force compared to M1 or Z2.

Overall, bigger stokes are required for most strokes because you must engage the sponge and use a closed bat angle. If you play lightly, you must open your bat and play your strokes vertically. So for someone educated, this is a weapon for intermediate or hobby players. This will be a curse.

I used it on Viscaria and YinHe DK4.

#6 — April 2021

I find it perfect for my backhand.

#7 — September 2020

C2 plays similar to a tensor rubber. Its spin is excellent, comparable to the D09c. However, the throw angle is too high for my forehand, resulting in many balls flying over the table. It is a hard rubber that I paired with a fast carbon blade, leading to frequent errors. Perhaps gluing it to a flexible blade would improve its performance.

#8 — Long Time Ago...

I can only compare this rubber with BTF Rozena. It beats Rozena on all levels. It’s better in all ways, even having better control.

#9 — Long Time Ago...

The BlueGrip C2 rubber is a Chinese style rubber. It generates a lot of spin and control as well as speed.

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