Yasaka Pryde 30

5 reviews

5 Reviews

#1 — March 2013

This rubber is quite unusual. The topsheet is not very grippy at all, especially when compared to the Acuda series.

Additionally, the throw angle is much too low. During matches, my opponents often complain about the 3 or 4 net balls I hit each game, even though I am not intentionally trying to strike the net.

Blocking with this rubber is inconsistent. While it is not necessarily difficult to block, the results vary significantly. In contrast, Acuda S3, Vario Big Slam, and Tenergy 05 FX are much better alternatives.

Flat hitting is challenging with this rubber, and its durability leaves much to be desired.

Considering that you will spend about $50 per sheet anyway, I recommend opting for the Acuda or Coppa series of tensors. I highly suggest Acuda S3 or S2.

While this rubber might be decent for beginners, it ultimately lacks both grip and durability.

#2 — February 2012

Very nice rubber! It performs excellently on stiff blades. :)

#3 — December 2011

It’s a great rubber for forehand play, and it perfectly balances with the Corneau Hinoki. This combination enhances performance and provides excellent control.

#4 — May 2010

I didn’t really expect to like this rubber, but I was pleasantly surprised. It has a very low throw—almost as low as Air Condle—and is quite soft.

On my backhand, the rubber performed adequately; I thought it would work best there, but it was just average, nothing spectacular. I initially assumed it would underperform on my forehand, but I still wanted to try it on that side (Hammond Pro-B) for my backhand. To my surprise, I was completely wrong!

This rubber is soft, yet, at least for me and on my blade, it didn’t bottom out. It produces a nice audible pop and exhibits a speed-glue-like kick when looping and counter-looping. It is plenty fast enough while maintaining a favorable spin-to-speed ratio. I can execute strokes reminiscent of what I used to achieve with speed-glued rubber and still get good results.

I have no trouble generating spinny loops, and I can achieve plenty of speed too. While I need a bit more time to adjust to the low throw for countering, it blocks extremely well. It surprised me by not being overly bouncy in the short game. Although it still requires some touch, it feels far more linear compared to many of the newer wonder-rubbers.

I’ve read that some players struggle to generate spin with this rubber, but I have to wonder if their technique simply isn’t suited for it.

#5 — February 2010

This rubber isn’t for everyone. If you’re a hard hitter, this rubber may not be suitable for you. The sponge is very soft, causing the ball to sink too deep into the rubber and sponge, which can prevent you from achieving the desired effect.

On the other hand, this rubber works perfectly for players who enjoy a controlled game with a soft touch. It is very easy to play with and provides a good level of control.

However, I personally find it lacks a bit in terms of spin. Compared to the classic Mark V rubber, it doesn’t generate as much spin.

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