Friendship/729 804 (Anti-spin)

Sticky 16 reviews

16 Reviews

#1 — June 2017

Quite grippy for an anti, it strangely enough creates more difficulties for the opponents than many other famous antis. It plays like an old inverted. Put it on a fast carbon blade and you will have many gears. A cheap and strange rubber, so it deserves a try.

#2 — April 2016

An interesting anti; this is my first anti. Some more experienced pimple/anti players quite like it, and it certainly creates some problems for many players, however a few players cope with it fine. One player in particular handles it without thinking, and he can’t handle pips at all. IMO, definitely fine for a first anti, and for $10, it’s worth a try.

#3 — July 2014

Review text:

Another positive review of a questionable product. I gave it a thumbs up as HnR above, but that was just opening up the package. What grabbed my attention was the residue or film of powder, which gives it a slippery feel. However, when used a few times, it lost the slippery feel and tacked up a little to the point where it appeared like ordinary inverted used or dead rubber. Now I can fully support the reviews that describe it as such. May I add I am referring to black 1.5 with white sponge.

In contrast, I am also testing out a red sheet. Initially, my feelings were the complete opposite. The red felt like a new sheet of tack chop or flextra, not identical but similar in texture. Touch it, and it feels soft and grippy, almost sticky. However, after breaking in the red 1.5, the surface changed to a harder texture, almost like the base sheet of Dr. Evil??? I’m still working it in, but it’s kind of cool to look at, a shade of pink almost and kind of like a plastic. But the grippiness is reduced, but the softness has now turned into hardness. I’m going to add more to this later as this red sheet is really interesting.

Back to the black sheet, it feels soft after a couple of months of use, and the slippery feeling has returned, although it does not feel as slippery as my old sheet of DH rubber on my premade from 10 years ago. I left it in my car on a sunny day, and it melted. I have never used super anti or any real anti before, so I am comparing the 804 with this nuked inverted, and it is definitely not as slick. It still has tack, but it is on the low side. Red is much more slippery.

Overall, a good low spin FH rubber to match my LP on the BH side. It did not bottom out as I blocked everything that my opponent blasted at me, even jumping up into his shots.

Not only can I use it to quick loop or serve with spin or backspin chop, but its block sucks out the speed and sends back a no-spin wobbler! It’s like the logo on the cover! Magic :).

#4 — April 2014

Easy to use.
Love hitting hard chops.

#5 — March 2014

The rubber is hard and not elastic. The red one is almost pink.

#6 — January 2013

I agree with Glenn’s review and can see why this is called half anti.

However, I personally was very disappointed with this rubber. When you purchase an anti-spin rubber, you would expect something very slick and have little to no reaction to spin. This is not the case with this rubber at all.

I have a 10-year-old Mark V rubber on one of my old bats. Honestly, the grip on this 804 anti-spin rubber is not that far less than my old, old Mark V. Take a not very grippy old inverted rubber, never clean it, and boom, you’ll have this rubber. :P

Simply not what you would expect from an anti-spin rubber.

#7 — April 2012

Can hit and block. Chop is terrible. Good for receiving spinny serves and setting up an attack for your inverted rubber.

#8 — April 2012

I initially tried this rubber as the BH of my Dawei Genote Quattro S (ES). Did it help me return those spiny serves I have difficulty returning? Not if I was to rely on just the rubber alone. It did make it easier after I learned the proper techniques. But as someone else’s review said, there’s not much more you can expect from this.

Eventually I learned how to loop, and when playing with my brother, he ended up having difficulty returning my “fancy spins” and serves. I also ended up putting two of these rubbers, both 1.5, on a Stiga premade paddle that I stripped the old worn-out rubber out of, and this somehow helped my brother. It took him a while to figure out how to hit back, so if you expect this rubber to do the work for you in returning those “spins,” perhaps you might be better off saving the $$ for a better rubber later on after you’ve improved your game. This will not be the “silver bullet” for those spins.

One thing I did notice with the Stiga blade combo with this is that every time my brother blocks and I expect the ball to go longer past the edge of the table, no matter how much topspin I give, it doesn’t. Often I have to hit the ball back from the top of the table. Again, I’m not sure if the rubber has had a strong part to play for that.

#9 — July 2011


Love it or hate it?


  • Cheap


  • Ball slides over sheet, no grip, for sure no tack! (Never used other brands. So, if this is 0.5 anti, then is full anti like frictionless?)


  • Medium soft HRS white sponge, standard 1.5 mm thickness.


  • Great buy for me!


#10 — September 2010

Review text:

It is like a sheet of very old Dawei 3.

#11 — March 2010

I have been looking for a replacement for frictionless long pip and have tried most of them. I like to block and counter hit. 804 is first class at this. You have total control with placement, and a long pip block style will work with little or no adjustment. You will not win free points due to the effect, but I haven’t found a long pip that does since the ban. 804 keeps you in the point and allows you to set up an attack. The advantage is you can counter hit with this really easily. Just move the bat forward against top spin and you will make a good return. You can play spin strokes with it but generate little spin, which confuses some opponents. I find I am in control of the point and not just looking for an error off the long pip. I have it on an off blade and am well pleased with it.

#12 — November 2009

This rubber is not actually anti-spin. It’s far from being anti-spin. It’s more like a normal rubber but less tacky. If you use it as anti-spin (like it’s supposed to be), then you’ll achieve nothing but the ball getting killed all the time. Others might like it, but for me, who has been using anti for a long time…don’t like it at all.

#13 — June 2009

I just want to let potential buyers know that this rubber is widely known as “half anti” in China.

Because it’s “half anti”, it actually does not excel at being anti or normal inverted rubbers. I personally won’t recommend this - you either go anti or inverted. Why half?

Well, someone might like it though…

#14 — June 2009

This is the first anti-spin rubber I have ever used, so I may have to revise this review if I try others.
This is a really neat (and really cheap) rubber. I normally use more standard rubbers (Sriver and Mark V), but this rubber was an easy switch. It chops and blocks really well, and over-the-table quick attacks are pretty awesome too.
If you try really hard, you can get some spin on this, but normally it will be a no-spin shot or simply reverse your opponent’s spin. I used this rubber with a 0.6mm Japanese sponge, which worked pretty well except for the expected deficiency in power that I never quite fully adjusted to. Objectively speaking, this rubber I think would be a good one for people to transition to anti rubbers.

#15 — March 2008

You really have to know what you want in an anti-spin rubber. This particular one has more grip than others, which to most anti players is a bad thing. However, if you want to attack with it, it is more controlled, but won’t be as spin-reversing when blocking loops. You can actually generate decent spin with this on serves and such.

#16 — Long Time Ago...

Fantastic rubber for choppers. Especially for forehand (FH). Very similar to Tackiness Chop but for $10 less. I recommend it!

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