Nittaku Best Anti (Anti-spin)


5 Reviews

#1 — April 2019

El caucho es muy lento, y las devoluciones requieren mucho empuje. Si te descuidas un poco, la bola puede quedarse en la red.

Es mejor optar por el Stiga Energy Absorber, que permite realizar ataques con mayor eficacia.

#2 — November 2018

Esta goma te permite hacer lo que desees con la pelota, colocĂĄndola en cualquier lugar de la mesa. Esto complica considerablemente la situaciĂłn para el rival.

#3 — December 2014

This anti-spin rubber is pretty amazing. It effectively performs all the functions that an anti-spin rubber should. I have absolutely no complaints about this product.

#4 — June 2013

Best Anti is one of the best antispin rubbers available. It is well-known for its excellent properties and impressive feel.

The white sponge is soft and dampening, providing exceptional control. It is very slow, making it easy to control the ball, whether you are dealing with spinny loops or powerful strokes. The topsheet is untacky and dead, but with proper training, you can generate some spin on your own.

Best Anti really shines in several key areas:

  • Defensive Play: Chopping is more consistent than with other antispin rubbers, and it is incredibly easy to execute.

  • Returning Serves: This rubber is exceptional when it comes to returning serves. Believe me, it is always very hard to attack a “Best Anti return.” Returning short is outstanding, and even when returning a long ball, it produces a “no-bounce” effect.

  • Blocking: The rubber excels in block shots, whether you are chop-blocking or executing passive blocks; all are effective.

In summary, Best Anti is perfect for defensive players.

#5 — Long Time Ago...

Si vous n’avez jamais testĂ© d’antitop et que vous dĂ©sirez en essayer un sans trop changer votre façon de jouer, le BEST ANTI est fait pour vous !

Ce revĂȘtement perturbe suffisamment le comportement de la balle pour vous mettre Ă  l’aise et vous permettre de placer vos attaques.

Cependant, ATTENTION : attaquer avec ce revĂȘtement peut s’avĂ©rer dangereux ! Il faut frapper Ă  plat. Si vous ne le faites pas, la balle plonge directement sur la table ou, au mieux, finit dans le filet.

J’ai testĂ© le revĂȘtement en Ă©paisseur 1.8.

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