Butterfly Effort 70th Anniversary


6 Reviews

#1 — February 2022

I bought it for 700 zl and I’m selling it for 1800 zl, a racket with no feel, what don’t you understand? Greetings to my fellow players.

#2 — August 2021

Paid $500 for this blade and it was the worst money I’ve ever spent.

#3 — June 2021

Hey. I currently use Harimoto ALC, Timo Boll ALC, and Viscaria. These blades feel and act perfectly, especially the Viscaria. I bought this blade thinking the quality and the way it would act would be the same since it’s from the same group, but it ended up being a waste of money. The ball acts bouncy and is uncontrollable. I gave this blade to a few top players in my club, and they all agree it’s a below-par blade. One of them compared it to a supermarket brand blade. I eventually was able to sell it off. The only good thing about the blade is that it looks like it has good craftsmanship. However, the layers of the wood just don’t work well. All of my bats have Tenergy 05 FX on the forehand and Tenergy 64 on the backhand. Special edition… ???…

#4 — May 2021

Elegant blade. I can’t wait to try it. Because this is a special souvenir, I think Butterfly makes it very special.

#5 — May 2021

Produced 7k for the world and such. Mine weighs 82 grams, hinoki alc limba ayous -> nothing special, the quality of limba and ayous is in the same quality range as the Xiom offensive, but this costs only $30. Sad.
Top ply quality is perfect, handle is perfect, the box is perfect, the card is great.
Quality of play? Too slow for a smash/block strategy, too soft for looping play, very good service. My favorite part of this blade is the very good spin in short touch, but overall it won’t work better than Viscaria or even Xiom Offensive S, so I will sell mine for $500 and laugh. The stupid guy who will buy it for the resell price will be my hero for a second. This blade is only for snobs who want to write reviews and put this blade in ‘the best in the world status’ so they can resell this or make you jealous. You can see the first review from Mateusz.
If you have money, this is your choice. I’m not kidding - it’s a very good looking blade for someone who wants to try hinoki alc, but if you want something better, consider Nittaku Barwell Fleet, Nittaku Goriki, Butterfly Garaydia, Stiga 40’ and 75’ Clipper, or handmade super work from Sergio and “SDC.com” from Portugal, Michael Schneider with his Soulspin (legend), or OSPblades from Hungary.
I will give a shoutout to Nate4s from tabletennisdaily, Jin Sukizawa (genius), Vodak from the Czech Republic, and all handmade blade makers who will be forgotten because the ITTF wants to ban non-ITTF approved blades.
You will get more conscious, crafty products from handmade blades than from Butterfly.

#6 — May 2021

I’ve used many different offensive blades (both wooden and carbon), and this is truly the best one I’ve ever had. The craftsmanship is exceptional — Butterfly produced only 500 pieces in total, and it is evident that they used the best materials and quality control possible. The effect is more than wonderful.

Let’s start with the most important things: 1) It’s not innerforce technology, but the outer ply is so thick that the carbon is much closer to the core than in traditional ALC blades like Viscaria, Freitas, Zhang Jike ALC, etc. It seems to be just between “innerforce” and “outer-carbon” technologies. 2) Connecting ALC with a thick Hinoki outer ply is a wonderful combination — it’s not hard but very stable, fast but extremely controllable, has a wonderful touch and feel, without too much distracting vibration but also not being totally “glass feel” like many carbon blades. 3) It’s a blade with more gears than any blade I’ve ever tried — it’s perfect for spin-based play, generating tons of rotation, making it a holy grail for loopers, but on the other hand, it’s perfect for blocking, flicking, and short play. It’s easy to play close to the table and change to the 2nd and 3rd zone at any time without losing speed or accuracy. 4) It’s extremely well-made. The quality is obvious from the first glance. 5) It’s beautiful in its minimalistic and traditional design that characterizes “legendary” products.

It has only one disadvantage — there are only 500 pieces produced worldwide, and it’s impossible to buy it new from the factory. So, only the aftermarket will be possible, and as many predict, the price will be extremely high.

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