Butterfly Tiago Apolonia ZLC


15 Reviews

#1 — October 2022

This blade is superb and very expensive, so it is one of a kind.

#2 — May 2022

Well balanced blade with the proper amount of weight (96g) for the new plastic ball. A nice blade; what more can I say?

Using Donic Bluestorm Z2 2.1 on both sides, it has the speed when needed. Good control, a nice soft touch and feel. Ball placement comes easy with great blocking.

A very nice blade to have in your collection.

#3 — January 2022

Tiago Apolonia ZLC is the best blade ever. I love this blade!!

#4 — October 2021

It’s like the Innerforce Layer ZLC’s older brother. Blades play alike, but Apolonia has more speed, dwell, spin, and control. I’ve been using it with Dignics 09c on both sides. Serves are dangerous and loaded with spin; I just move my legs in the proper position and loop kill for easy points. It’s definitely for attack-oriented players. The quality of the blade and its feel are very, very premium. This is my favorite weapon now. I give it a 10 out of 10.

#5 — March 2021

For anyone who doubted the backhand of this blade, pair it with the right rubber! Its backhand side is rather soft unlike other blades with a stiff koto layer and carbon in the outlayer. You need Dignity 05 or other stiff rubbers to release its potential in the spin department, and your backhand loop will be a breeze.

The forehand side of this blade is very hard, so you need a powerful stroke to master this blade.

#6 — October 2020

This blade is simply a beauty. Just amazing. Try it to believe it.

#7 — April 2020

Excellent blade with high control. Pairs well with 05FX rubber.

#8 — February 2020

Blade Review

This blade may not be suitable for players who prefer backhand-oriented play styles, as it can be too fast for some.

However, the blade provides a good overall feel for those who prefer forehand-oriented gameplay.

My batch weighed 93 grams, which I found to be slightly too fast for my play style.

#9 — December 2018

I tried many blades, but this one is specific. I play with TBS, then Freitas ALC, and come to this one because I miss that wood feeling. Mine is 91 gr. FL, heavier than average, what I want because I think heavier examples play better and with less vibration. Medium soft and crisp, little vibration.

#10 — August 2018

I’ve been playing table tennis for over 40 years with a variable attacker style. Recently, I decided to upgrade my racket after playing with a Butterfly VSG-4000 for a long time. I started by adding the Butterfly Rozena and Roundell Soft (bh) rubbers, both in 2.1mm. While the VSG25-4000 improved my game, I still felt it lacked power and feedback. I desired a wider range of play from passive to aggressive attacks. I tried several OFF- blades from different brands but was disappointed as they didn’t provide a significant upgrade from my old Butterfly blade, and the spin curves were too low. I expressed my dissatisfaction to a salesperson who was also an experienced player, and he recommended the “Apolonia ZLC” blade, assuring me it met all my criteria. However, the price tag was not mentioned during his recommendation. Upon using the blade, I instantly fell in love with it. It was unlike what I had imagined from the Butterfly catalog, which didn’t even include it on my trial list. The speed was impressive from mid-distance, but what truly amazed me was the exceptional precision and spin control. I had complete command over where the ball landed. The sound was crisp yet pleasing. Despite being an OFF blade, it offered a wide dynamic range. I tested it in areas where it was not expected to excel, such as touch play and blocking, and to my surprise, it performed better than my old VSG21-4000. The speed remained low when using the Apolonia passively. Since then, I’ve used the racket with Butterfly Apolonia, Rozena 2.1 (fh), and Roundell Soft 2.1 (bh) against several players at my club. The improvement in my game has been significant and not merely psychological. My confidence in aggressive flips and topspins has grown because of the blade’s enhanced capabilities. While the blade’s build quality is impeccable, I believe the price is excessive.

#11 — June 2017

Similar to my Garaydia ALC, the [Tiago Apolonia ZLC] offers a few more top gears. It generates tremendous catapult effect when looping hard. Compared to my Garaydia ALC, it provides more dwell time and spin, although it is softer and sometimes lacks crispness. The craftsmanship is commendable.

Whether it justifies its price is subjective. I appreciate owning it, but I find that Butterfly has introduced too many blade models, with minimal variations in playing characteristics that do not warrant the price increase.

As a case in point, consider the $425 Zhang Jike Super ZLC. After exchanging rackets with a friend for half an hour, the only noticeable difference between the Zhang Jike Super ZLC, my Tiago Apolonia ZLC, and my Garaydia ALC was a better-fitting handle.

While I have the financial means to purchase the Zhang Jike Super ZLC, I do not believe it offers enough value over my Garaydia ALC or TA ZLC to justify the additional cost. My preference remains the Garaydia ALC, and if it weren’t, I would have already acquired the Zhang Jike Super ZLC.

#12 — December 2016

This blade has great flex for topspin plus speed. It feels close to the Marcos Freitas ALC but with more vibration feedback. It is heavier, even with a blade thickness of 5.65mm, with a thinner Ayous core that, because of the ZLC, makes it heavy. Two-Limba veneers with inner fiber ZLC, when you hit harder, you will feel stiff power from inside, a unique characteristic.

#13 — July 2016

My insatiable curiosity for equipment led me to acquire the Freitas and Apolonia blades, which have left me both satisfied and financially drained. Both blades excel in unique ways.

With Tenergy 80 on the forehand and Vega Euro on the backhand, the Apolonia weighs a substantial 186 grams, while the Freitas weighs 178 grams. Despite the difference of only 8 grams, the Apolonia feels noticeably heavier. However, compared to my Innerforce ZLC, the Apolonia exhibits a more linear and less volatile nature, making it easier to control despite its comparable or even surpassing speed.

Despite my usual aversion to hefty blades, I am surprisingly drawn to the Apolonia. It strikes an exceptional balance between softness and crispness, providing both control and formidable power when necessary. The blade performs effectively at all distances and produces a particularly satisfying “crack” when the ball is struck with precision. Its exceptional qualities justify its premium price.

#14 — June 2016

Recently used this blade with FH Raystorm and BH Omega V Euro. It has awesome control, good power, and speed. Spin is incredible if paired with the right rubber. Topspin is so powerful, and the loop is great with a low arc that makes opponents lose their confidence. Overall, it’s a nice blade.

#15 — June 2016

This is the best blade ever! The price is ridiculous, but it is so worth it! You can do anything with it. Counter loops are the best, and mid-distance is the best. This blade is an all-round offensive blade suited for all play except defense (you have to use a defensive blade for defense).

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