Nittaku Canaldy

All-wood1 reviews

Blade description:

The Nittaku Canaldy table tennis blade is a 5-ply all-wood blade that offers a perfect blend of speed, control, and consistency. It is crafted with five layers of high-quality wood, including limba, limba, and ayous, resulting in a blade that is both lightweight and durable. The Canaldy blade features a speed rating of 8.5, a control rating of 7.4, a stiffness rating of 5, and a hardness rating of 3.2, making it suitable for players of various skill levels.

One of the standout features of the Canaldy blade is its exceptional consistency. It provides a consistent feel and response, allowing players to execute precise shots with confidence. The blade's limba outer plies offer excellent spin and control, while the ayous core layer provides a solid foundation for power and stability. This combination of materials results in a blade that is well-balanced and forgiving, making it a great choice for players who prioritize control and consistency in their game.

The Nittaku Canaldy blade is also known for its lightweight construction, weighing in at a mere 72 grams. This allows for quick and effortless movement, enabling players to react swiftly to the opponent's shots and execute fast-paced rallies. The blade's lightweight nature is particularly beneficial for players who prefer an agile and dynamic playing style.

Overall, the Nittaku Canaldy table tennis blade offers a combination of speed, control, consistency, and agility. It is an excellent choice for players of various skill levels, from intermediate to advanced, who seek a versatile blade that enhances their overall performance. The Canaldy blade's well-rounded characteristics and lightweight construction make it a popular choice among players who prioritize control and consistency, while still maintaining the ability to generate impressive speed when needed.

Recent Reviews

#1November 2013

It is a very good wood blade made in Japan. Control is good and speed is also very nice with Donic Coppa X1Turbo Platin on both sides (Tackiness max). I have never played with such a light blade like this: the blade weight is only 65 grams. Therefore, I recommend this blade for anyone looking for a light and compact all-round blade. The handle is small, so it’s perfect for me and people with small hands.

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