Butterfly Cermet

6 reviews

6 Reviews

#1 — June 2012

Donic Acuda S2

A very good all-around attacking rubber, used in 1.9mm on the forehand with a Jonyer-H blade. Loops and topspins have plenty of kick and heavy spin, and serves have heavy spin as well. It is also quite light. This is an excellent rubber and one of the best in Butterfly’s current lineup. I recently switched to Mark V because it provides similar performance for a much lower cost, but I still highly rate Acuda S2 as a very good rubber.

#2 — January 2011

This rubber was perfect for me when I still used speed glue. Without speed glue, it lacks speed.

#3 — December 2009

I started using this rubber on my forehand and am now using it on my backhand as well. It’s great for looping, serves, and smashing. I highly recommend it.

#4 — November 2009

Love this rubber. Over the years, I’ve tried many rubbers, but this is the one I keep coming back to. I’ve found it to be the most consistent and balanced rubber with good power that I’ve played with.

On my forehand, it gives me the speed, spin, and control I need to loop with ease, whether it’s underspin or topspin. It also performs well on smashes and flat hits.

The short game is excellent too. It can produce massive spin when needed and great speed when necessary. This is my rubber of choice, though it’s underrated among many players.

#5 — October 2009


Cermet is a fast rubber with surprising levels of spin. It offers a user-friendly feel, making it easy to control. When used for looping, it provides generous levels of control and precision.

#6 — May 2009

Cermet Table Tennis Rubber

Cermet is an excellent and underrated rubber. Many players overlook its superb performance. It combines the power of Bryce with the catapult feel of tenergy. Cermet offers good control and can perform exceptionally in almost any situation, provided the player has the appropriate technique.

The mid-soft sponge and topsheet allow for sufficient dwell time, generating immense spin on loops. Its softness also facilitates powerful smashes and controlled blocks. Serves with Cermet are spinny and effective, even without the use of speed glue, making it an ideal choice for the glue ban era.

Moreover, the high-tension technology enhances its performance at mid-distance. It remains one of the most favored rubbers for players seeking a combination of power, spin, and consistency.

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