Butterfly Spin Art

Tensor 20 reviews

20 Reviews

#1 — January 2019

I use Spin Art 1.7 on my backhand for control and for killing third balls near the net. On my forehand, I use Tenergy 05 Hard. I used to play with Tenergys on my backhand, but they were too sensitive for incoming spin and weird serves. I switched to Shrivers Original, which helped a lot, but I missed the spin. I am now using Spin Art.

You have to get used to Spin Art because you need to brush the ball. You need to have good technique; if you don’t, do not try this rubber. Forehand strokes and backhand strokes differ from each other. This is my strategy with the modern ball. Hard rubbers are the way to go; forget about soft rubbers.

#2 — March 2018

Very problematic rubber. It’s speedy, but nowhere near the level of Chinese rubbers. It’s very uncontrollable compared to Hurricane 3 or Tenergy 64 on Butterfly Joo Se Hyuk blade.

Very few gears. There’s absolutely nothing it does better than H3, and it has almost no good characteristics borrowed from Tenergy. Neither loops nor chops are satisfactory. Only blocks were slightly acceptable, but still with very little control and mostly only a long trajectory.

Balls are easy to receive by the opponent. It’s like the rubber is absorbing all the useful power you generate, and you’re left with just a fast, pretty simple ball without any room for variations. Footwork makes sense, but only up to the moment you place the ball on the table.

Trying to increase the power results in lots of misses, regardless of the quality of the stroke preparation. In other words, the effort is not worth it.

Maybe it doesn’t play well on the JSH, but it’s still one of the worst rubbers I have ever used. I also tried it on the Butterfly Korbel SK7 (and played against it), but it didn’t show any significant improvement over the JSH. Moreover, its price makes the overall impression even worse.

#3 — December 2014

COMBINATION OF Tenergy 05 + DHS Neo Hurricane 3:

  • It has a tremendous amount of power.
  • Deadly Attacker, suitable for hard hitters.
  • Attacks like a Super Croc!
#4 — November 2014

Amazing rubber! However, it is recommended to have some training experience before purchasing this rubber. It requires more effort to handle compared to soft tensor rubbers due to its hand sponge design. Nonetheless, this rubber offers exceptional spin. Give it a try!

#5 — May 2014

Like H3 Neo married Spring Sponge. And that’s a good thing! Takes some time to get used to. Very, very nice!.

#6 — November 2013


This is an excellent speed rubber with very good control and effect. It’s not as fast as Tenergry, but it’s definitely in the same family. For those of us who like hard foam rubbers, this is the best option. Fast, very good effect, and great control, especially defensive control. This is a highly recommended rubber, especially for use with soft wood blades.

#7 — July 2013

This is an absolutely amazing rubber from Butterfly. Having tried most of the high-end rubbers available on the market, Spin-Art demolishes Tenergy in almost all aspects of the game.

Speed: You need footwork to unleash the monster. Tenergy may be more forgiving (because of the softer sponge), but with this rubber, you need to bend your knees and transfer energy from lower body to upper body. Better technique equals better results. Amazing speed on all loops, flicks, and smashes.

Spin: A bit less than its tacky Chinese counterparts (think DHS Hurricane or Tackifire C), but still, very impressive. Serves are a breeze (especially sidespin serves like pendulum, reverse pendulum, tomahawk, etc.). Third ball attacks can be very spinny, your opponent will have a hard time blocking your loops. But again, footwork is important! Same with pushes, very spinny, lots of backspin.

Control: Simply amazing for such a fast/spinny rubber. Pushes are easy to control, chops work well, very few unforced errors on loops.

Disclaimer: I use a black 2.1mm version on my forehand, on a Butterfly Millerga blade. My USTTA rating is ~2100.

#8 — February 2013

Got this a few weeks ago (16/1/13), and have played a few times with it to give a review.
I am using 2.1 Black on the BH of Tibhar Stratus Powerwood. The rubber is heavier than the T80 I am using on the other side, at 51 grams cut.

The rubber gives huge spin, particularly on pushes chops and serves, more than any other rubber I have used including Tenergy. Those who try to loop my chops and pushes really struggle, even the technically better players are struggling to deal with the amount of backspin.

Control is good and blocking is ok. Heavy topspin can be generated when needed on the backhand. It is not as fast as Tenergy but was never designed to be. The sponge is hard. It is good for all-round game with great spin and control. For looping chop it is not quite as easy as with Xiom Omega IV Pro and lacking a little speed, but this could be compensated for with a faster blade.

#9 — December 2012

At first, I found it hard to adjust to this rubber. However, after I got used to it, I discovered that the spin of my return had improved significantly. I recommend this rubber to players who want to enhance their spin without sacrificing control. However, the price remains a concern for me.

#10 — February 2012

I have this rubber on both sides of a Hurricane King blade, and I can tell you it is amazing in the short game. The spin is the maximum you can get from any rubber, the control is excellent, and the speed is medium to fast.

#11 — January 2012

It is like a cross-breed of TENERGY 05 and TACKIFIRE C.

#12 — April 2011

The rubber is best suited for players who prioritize spin over other aspects of their game. It provides exceptional spin generation, allowing players to execute powerful and deceptive shots.

#13 — September 2010

Spin! not for lazy style!

This rubber is great for offensive play. It has a lot of spin and speed, and it is very durable.

#14 — August 2010

Dieser Belag eignet sich perfekt für das Aufschlagspiel.
Auch Topspins nah am Tisch können schnell und mit Spin gespielt werden. Vor allem kann man die Richtung gut kontrollieren. Allerdings hat man bei gegnerischer Eröffnung mit Topspin Probleme, weil man den Ball dann oft verzieht.

Mein Fazit: Dieser Belag ist ein Versuch wert. Ich spiele ihn selbst gerne, aber ich empfehle diesen Belag nur fortgeschrittenen Spielern.

Gut Holz :)

#15 — August 2010

Just great! Unbelievable control on loops with great spin. I switched to Spinart from Vega Pro. I think Spinart is superior in all dimensions. It is too expensive, though.

#16 — July 2010

Coming from European/Japanese rubber, this Chinese rubber initially presented challenges. I initially disliked it and had to adjust my technique, particularly for topspin and cut shots. However, after approximately 2 hours of practice, I realized its exceptional qualities. It offers exceptional control, power, and spin. However, it demands proper technique and footwork, with power transference from the lower body to the upper body being crucial.

#17 — July 2010

Very good rubber for backhand.

#18 — June 2010

Just Perfect! Perfect for my game. ^^

Spin and speed are great, and the control is awesome.

Opening loops, counterloops, and service returns with this rubber are easy.

Passive blocking is also very good. Not much kick like the Tenergy series but still great.

#19 — June 2010

This is a hard version of Butterfly’s spring sponge with a slightly tacky topsheet.

When you take it out of the packet, it feels really hard and very heavy - like a concrete slab. It looks like a Tackifire topsheet on a harder spring sponge. One could lazily describe it as a hybrid of Tenergy and DHS Hurricane 2/3.

It’s not outright quick in general play, and it seems very controlled in the short game and for service returns. Flicks, pushes, and blocks are all good. Looping is slightly tricky since it’s not massively tacky for brush looping and very hard for a euro style stroke. But I really liked hitting - if you put some effort into a smash, you get good results from the sponge. If you rip the 3rd ball over the table, you get good spin. However, a lazy stroke won’t get you much spin.

I bought T05FX for a more controlled version of Tenergy, but I actually prefer this more. I don’t mind hard and heavy rubbers though, so if you’re into soft tensors, this will be quite an adjustment for you. Really very good!

#20 — June 2010

This is a great product. It is really nice.

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