Loki Arthur Asia

Tensor 5 reviews

5 Reviews

#1 — June 2022

LOKI is a new brand designed for modern table tennis and the era of the non-celluloid ball. It has quickly gained popularity among elite and professional players due to its high performance, numerous options, and innovative technology.

The Loki Arthur Asia rubber, made in Germany, features a new type of carbon sponge along with unique technology: the LOKI ICT (Internal Carbon Force) technology. The ICT carbon crystal sponge is characterized by its hardness and weight, offering exceptional speed, excellent control, and outstanding spin on serves, returns, and loops.

Additionally, this rubber performs well in terms of controlled drives, smashes, returns, and blocks. However, it is less bouncy and has a lower tensor effect compared to “eurorubbers.” It also has less bounce than LOKI’s other rubbers, such as the Loki GTX Pro and Nano 80.

The Arthur Asia rubber is an excellent choice for players transitioning from softer, slower rubbers who seek a faster option with precision and good control. It balances well with hard blades, but can also work effectively with softer wooden blades. However, it is particularly recommended for use with harder wood and carbon blades such as the LOKI Black Flame, Violent 9, Wang Hao Honor, or classic blades. I have not tried it with ULZ, ALC, CLZ, or Super CLZ blades.

Overall, the speed, spin, and control offered by the Arthur Asia rubber are excellent, although it has less bounce and tensor effect than other rubbers with softer sponges. Notably, the rubber adapts and performs better after a few training sessions.

The price is very reasonable, and its durability is good. If you desire more bounce or tensor tuning, I recommend factory or personal tuning options.

#2 — March 2022

Some reviews have rated the speed of this rubber as high as 10 and 9.8, which I consider to be quite overrated. In my opinion, the speed should be rated around 8.5. While it is faster than H3 and Target, it is still slower than rubbers like Big Dipper, Battle 2, Bloom Power, Moon Speed, and AK47.

The speed of the rubber is good, and the spin is adequate, but what truly stands out is the control. It is relatively easy to execute drives, loops, and blocks with consistency. Overall, it presents a balanced performance. However, the biggest drawback is its weight—possibly the heaviest rubber I have ever encountered. If you need to maintain a specific weight for your setup, this rubber could significantly disrupt your overall weight.

Depending on your needs, there may be better and more affordable options available. However, if control is your primary concern, this rubber does leave a strong impression.

#3 — May 2021

I’m using hard rubber on the forehand side of my Nittaku Basaltec blade, and it performs exceptionally well. It produces super spin!

#4 — February 2021

I tried this rubber in max thickness on a DHS Power G 5X blade. If I understand correctly, there is carbon in the sponge. The rubber is heavy, weighing 80g uncut and 54g cut.

The sponge feels extremely hard. I am used to the DHS H3N with 41 degrees hardness, but this rubber feels much harder. Compared to the H3N, this one offers less spin and has minimal catapult effect. I can’t say that the control is particularly good either.

The top sheet is quite hard as well, which could explain the lower spin production. This was a bit of a disappointment for me. When playing away from the table, it requires significant effort to hit the ball hard enough to get it over the net, making brush looping nearly impossible.

#5 — Long Time Ago...

Utilizzo questa gomma sul rovescio e la mia opinione è molto positiva. Sono rimasto colpito dal controllo e dalla velocità di questo prodotto.

Sebbene non raggiunga una velocità da 10, consente di posizionare la palla esattamente dove si desidera, offrendo molta potenza. Non si romperà il tavolo; i tuoi colpi avranno un buon spin e una notevole profondità.

Per chi proviene da gomme tensore e desidera provare una via di mezzo con una gomma cinese, questa potrebbe essere la scelta perfetta. Da provare senza dubbio!

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