Yinhe Sun

Sticky 12 reviews

12 Reviews

#1 — June 2021

Very heavy, medium-high throw rubber.
Not very reactive, not fast, but not very slow either.
Medium hard.

#2 — May 2015

Good rubber, great for backhand. It provides awesome control and good speed, but has normal spin.

#3 — October 2013

Good for blocking, not that sensitive to spin and a medium speed, this rubber is not overly spinny. Serve, push and loop capabilities are average.

#4 — August 2013

Tested Hardness: Red 36 / Black 39. Both 2.2mm.

Rubber Feel and Performance:

  • The rubber has a slightly tacky surface when new, but the ball will not stick to it. It produces a moderate amount of spin.
  • It is fast and springy, providing excellent speed for loops and drives from mid-distance. However, close-table play can be challenging due to the difficulty in controlling the bounce.
  • The throw angle is medium.
  • Blocking is effective due to the rubber’s springy nature and ample bounce.
  • Pushing and chop serves offer good control without excessive spin, as the surface lacks significant tackiness.

Attacking Capabilities:

  • Attacking at mid-distance feels powerful and spinny, with a desirable arc.
  • Close to the table, control becomes more difficult, requiring frequent adjustments to reduce the pace and keep the ball on the table, which limits the rubber’s versatility.


Overall, this rubber is well-suited for attackers who prefer mid-distance play and do not emphasize close-table shots. It offers a balance of speed, spin, and control, with the sponge being of moderate hardness.


  • Speed: 8.8
  • Spin: 8.6
  • Control: 8.4
  • Tackiness: Slightly tacky
  • Throw Angle: Medium
  • Weight: Medium-heavy
  • Sponge Harness: Medium
  • Gear: Average
  • Durability: Above average
  • Consistency: Identical
#5 — April 2013

Backhand Rubber

This is a great backhand rubber. I play reverse penhold backhand (RPB) and it’s fantastic. The forehand is also not bad.


If you play penhold, I highly recommend using this rubber on your backhand.

#6 — February 2012

Esta goma es perfecta para el revés. Ofrece mucho efecto para devolver los servicios en diferentes formas. Además, proporciona un control óptimo que otorga la confianza para bloquear y colocar la bola donde se desee. Su sensación es similar a la del Energy 25, pero con un efecto y un control mucho mayores.

#7 — January 2012

I have tried 3 sheets of 37 deg hardness on Galaxy T-11 & Dynasty Hinoki Carbon.


  • Good Euro style rubber.
  • Good grip.
  • Can generate mechanical spin.


  • Very heavy.
  • Nightmare for close to the table play.
  • There are lighter rubbers with a higher throw.

It is nearly unplayable for near the table game on an Off/Off+ Carbon bat. At 3-5 feet from the table, the rubber can generate good spin and has excellent control. If you can dig into the sponge, you can generate sudden dipping arcs which are difficult to read for the opponent.

I use it on my alternate setup when playing doubles as it can generate good speed, spin, and control mid-distance and there more opportunity for big heaves at the ball.

#8 — January 2012

I tried a 2.2 mm red Yinhe Sun (hardness 33 marked on sponge) on a Waldner Senso Carbon blade, and I was really disappointed. It wasn’t fast, and it was very difficult to get heavy spin on the ball (only with very fast arm movement). On the up-side, it is very linear and controlled, so it has good control to block and push and service return.

But as an ESN tensor user for about four years now (Andro Revolution, Revo Fire, Nimbus, Donic Coppa JO Gold), I was not happy at all with this rubber.

Maybe I have one from a bad production batch?

#9 — December 2011

I have tried these in 37 deg/max for my forehand with Galaxy Hinoki Carbon. It has good control and above average spin. This is definitely no Tenergy though.

#10 — December 2011

This is a very good backhand rubber for its price (13 USD on http://ttnpp.com). It has decent speed and spin, as well as a medium throw angle. Pushing does not work great, but this might be due to the blade.

So far, Galaxy Sun has been the best Chinese rubber I have played with.

#11 — September 2011

Really nice rubber. Amazing ball control and perfect feeling.

#12 — June 2011

Galaxy Sun: A Spinning Sensation

Initiated with the perception of enhanced speed, the Galaxy Sun rubber unexpectedly underwhelmed in that regard. However, its exceptional spin capabilities compensated amply. The sheer magnitude of spin generated elicited an emphatic response.

Beyond its spin prowess, control also proved to be a notable strength. Despite being primarily employed on the backhand for speed-oriented play, the Galaxy Sun enabled the execution of the same technique with significantly increased spin generation.

The rubber’s flicking abilities were equally impressive, adding to its versatility. Its overall characteristics suggest it may be a suitable option for beginners.

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