Donic Waldner Black Power


2 Reviews

#1 — October 2011

Excellent blade. When you use it, you can feel the power in your hands. It offers amazing control and feel to the ball.

#2 — Long Time Ago...

Having this blade for more than 10 years, I can confidently say it’s an exceptional All-round Wood blade. Despite the years, it remains my go-to choice for its unparalleled control and fantastic feel. It sits effortlessly in the hand, making seamless transitions between backhand and forehand strokes a breeze.

The exceptional feedback provided by this blade makes it a valuable asset for novice players striving to master the art of table tennis. Pairing it with suitable rubbers, such as the Mark V or Vega Pro, elevates it to a formidable racket.

Curiously, the blade’s availability is limited to China, and Donic Europe does not offer it. This raises questions about its true origin and whether it is indeed an authentic Donic creation.

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