Victas Koji Matsushita Offensive


8 Reviews

#1 — December 2017

This blade is highly recommended for modern defenders seeking a versatile blade that excels in both chopping and attacking. Its characteristics resemble those of the JSH blade while showcasing a lighter construction, slightly reduced stiffness, and a marginally smaller, thinner handle that enhances comfort. Additionally, its build quality is exceptional.

When paired with rubbers like Mark V GPS on the forehand and SuperSpinPips Chop 2 on the backhand, this blade performs exceptionally well. Its stiff construction and hard outer veneers complement softer rubbers, preventing the sponge from bottoming out.

However, for beginners, this blade is not recommended. A more appropriate choice for beginners would be something like the Donic Defplay Senso or the regular Victas Koji Matsushita blade. This recommendation is based on personal experience.

#2 — August 2017

Not many people know about the Victas Koji Matsushita Offensive. I won a tournament with this blade after my table tennis friend recommended it to me. When I play with this blade, I have great control over every shot. I’ve never seen a blade like it. People may call it an underrated blade, but it’s the best blade I’ve ever played with. With less effort, I can hit all sorts of shots. Even my club friends who have tried it love it. I recommend putting light rubber on it, as the blade is a bit heavy. It’s superb for both defense and attack, and I seldom make mistakes with this blade.

#3 — September 2015

This fast defensive blade (Off-) falls into the same speed category as the Butterfly Joo SaeHyuk and Defence II/III/IV. Despite sharing a similar speed, it features a slightly smaller blade head (155 x 164 compared to 156 x 165) and a marginally lower weight, ranging from 86-92g.

Unlike the Joo SaeHyuk and Defence II/III/IV, this blade is not suitable for players who prefer a disruptive style of play involving OX-pimples. It is specifically designed to cater to players who combine effective chopping techniques with powerful forehand topspin attacks.

In terms of feel, this blade exhibits a relatively hard and stiff character. Individuals who favor a softer, more flexible, and less speedy (All/All+) blade should consider the regular Victas Koji Matsushita blade. Both blades maintain a high standard of quality.

#4 — Long Time Ago...

Of all the defensive blades I tested, this is definitely the best for my game. It offers a great speed, with a light weight, and phenomenal control. I must say that this blade outperforms the BTY Joo Saehyuk and BTY Diode V due to its combination of weight, speed, and control. This combination enables faster and more precise chops, allowing me to attack with ease and precision. I am currently using this blade with a BTY Tackiness Chop on the forehand and a TSP CURL P1-R on the backhand. If you are a new defensive-style player, I highly recommend this blade as one of the best options available.

#5 — Long Time Ago...

This blade compares very well with the Tibhar Hybrid MK. Tried a lot of combinations on that blade. The best combination is 2.0 mm on the forehand and backhand. Training with this setup for two weeks and its a forehand destroyer.

#6 — Long Time Ago...

Perfect blade, excellent for spin and defensive game with offensive possibilities. It is very well balanced.

93 g which is a lot with long and large paddle which increase the weight. Take care of the weight of the rubber to glue on.

Perfect finishing and polishing.

#7 — Long Time Ago...

The best defensive blade I have tried so far. No wonder Ma Te preferred it before. Unfortunately, it is not available in the market now. It is a defensive blade with a great feel. The control is excellent, and the blade is very forgiving. It is also very light, which makes it easy to maneuver. Overall, this is a great blade for defensive players.

#8 — Long Time Ago...

Great blade for modern defense!

Excellent for powerful loop game and chop.

This blade is fast, stiff, and has great control. No vibration with a solid feel of VKM Offensive, excellent choice for confident attack.

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