Yasaka Silverline All Wood


7 Reviews

#1 — January 2023

His speed is more Off-, stiff and hard hitting. Mainly because of its hardness, it is not so sensitive and not so controllable.

Elegant-looking wood, good grip.

#2 — May 2022

Az ütőfa nagyon szép megjelenésű és nagyon szépen megmunkált darab. Én anatómiai nyéllel vásároltam meg. Nagyon magas szintű labdaérzékeléssel rendelkezik. Bár a fa ALL-os besorolást kapott a Yasaka által, de például van olyan ALL+ os fa, amely ettől a fától lassabb, például a Donic Ovtcharov Dotec ALL+, amit az edzőtársam használ. A fa felső rétege kemény fa, amíg a középső (mag) réteg közepesen kemény fa, ezért nem kell tartani attól, hogy a fa lassú lesz. Hatékony támadó játékra, mert egy gyors borítással meg lesz a sebesség is. Én például FH Yasaka Rakza PO 2,0 mm-t használok, BH Yasaka Rigan 2,0-t használok. A kész ütő 174 gramm. Bár nagyobb erőt kell persze belevinni az ütésekbe és pörgetésekbe, mint ha például ezeket a borításokat egy TB ZLC-re tettem volna fel, de viszont a nagyobb erővel megütött labdák nem fognak világgá szállni. Távolabbról is abszolút meg van benne az a gyorsaság, ami kell a támadó játékhoz. Az alacsony nyeséseket könnyű felpörgetni, a blokkolás is hatékony, a szervafogadás is egyszerű.

#3 — November 2019

Das Yasaka Silver All Wood ist ein ausgezeichnetes Holz für Spieler, die noch lernen müssen. Es liegt sehr gut in der Hand, hat glänzende Kontrolleigenschaften und genug Tempo, um auch offensiv spielen zu können. Auch die Verarbeitung könnte nicht besser sein.

Topspins gelingen auch bei nicht perfekter Technik sehr gut. Das Yasaka All Wood gibt dem Spieler sehr viel Rückmeldung und Sicherheit. Services mit viel Spin lassen sich gut retournieren und Schupfbälle gelingen recht einfach.

Ich kann dieses Holz sehr empfehlen und spiele es mit 2,0 mm Xiom Vega Europe Df auf der Vorhand- und Rückhandseite.

#4 — December 2018


The reviewed blade offers exceptional value for its controlled and spinny nature, falling within the Off-/All+ speed range. It provides a decent sweet spot with ample feel.


My experience with this blade, following the YEO 7 Power with identical rubbers, has been exceptional. I play with a reverse penhold backhand and currently hold a US rating around 1700.

This blade is remarkably underrated. Similar to the Yasaka Sweden Extra, it boasts a notably larger sweet spot attributed to its firmer outer surface.

Comparison to the YEO 7 Power:

- Dwell time: This blade facilitates easier lifting of underspin balls, particularly on the backhand. - Control: Blocking is significantly enhanced due to the slower speed, and looping half-long balls becomes more manageable with its reduced speed and increased dwell. - Power: It does not lack power from mid and far distances provided proper technique. Boosting the throw angle of rubbers can further enhance its capabilities. - Sweet spot: The sweet spot is comparable to the size of a baseball, slightly smaller than the YEO 7 Power. However, the YEO 7 Power has an unusually large sweet spot, comparable to the Butterfly ZJK super ZLC. The reviewed blade’s sweet spot is ample for an all-wood blade. - Feel: The feeling upon hitting the sweet spot is comparable to the YEO 7 Power in terms of vibration. However, the feel is less crisp and more similar to the low-frequency resonance of a tuning fork.


- Consider applying a protective lacquer coating to the blade’s edge to prevent the soft center layer from adhering to edge tape. - Its exceptional value is undeniable, especially at the discounted price of $29 from TT11. It offers an unbeatable price-to-performance ratio.

#5 — January 2017

This blade offers a level of flex, contributing to impressive spin capabilities. The outermost red layer has a noticeable hardness, which reduces bounciness and gives the blade a relatively hard feel. This combination of flex and hardness creates a somewhat distinctive sensation that I have not encountered in other blades.

Despite its hardness, this blade is not ideally suited for hitting. Looping, however, is exceptionally effective and precise, especially at close to mid-table distances. It may not perform as well for long-distance shots. To enhance power, medium to medium-hard sponged rubbers are recommended. I cannot comment on the performance with extremely hard rubbers, such as Hurricane.

Blocking with this blade produces a sharp feeling, characterized by precision rather than bounciness. I cannot provide insights into its performance for chopping or using long pimples. For short pimples, I would suggest a stiffer blade.

Overall, this is a versatile blade suitable for looping all-around play, with offensive capabilities. It offers a distinctive feel and boasts an attractive appearance.

#6 — March 2015

A very nice and beautiful all-round blade. The nice feeling and small vibrations make you feel every shot. It loops very well with somewhat harder rubbers!

#7 — Long Time Ago...

I am using it with Mark V max on both sides using RPB.

The blade has an adequate amount of speed and is fine for me whether it be close to the table or from mid-distance. Perhaps a bit more power is needed on the backhand for finishing points, but that can be fixed by changing the rubber. The greatest quality of this blade is probably its control. I am able to consistently put the ball on the table wherever I want even with riskier shots.

I personally enjoy the feel of the blade. It has a bit of flex but doesn’t feel like it’ll snap in half on hard smashes and allows me to play a solid blocking and short touch game as well. A unique property of this blade is that it seems to stiffen up on harder hits but remains flexible on lighter strokes. I don’t know what causes this or if it is a common attribute, but so far, I immensely enjoy this property.

I would recommend this blade for most beginners and people at the intermediate level. Its lack of speed may become a detriment at higher levels, but as I am not there yet, I cannot say for sure. All in all, the Yasaka Silverline Allwood is a fantastic choice for people ranging from beginner to high-intermediate level.

Edit: After playing with this blade for a few months, I have learned that this blade does not lack any speed whatsoever. With the correct technique and power generation, a good shot can be played even 2 meters away from the table, and backhand kills are not an issue either.

Update: After spending over a year with this blade now and switching to Skyline 2 Neo (39 degrees 2.15 black) on my forehand and Hurricane 8-80(38 degrees 2.1 red) on my backhand, I can say this blade works spectacularly with Chinese rubber. I can loop far from the table with both wings and have a killer third-ball attack. My only gripe with this blade is that it can be lacking in power during loop-to-loop rallies, as there just isn’t quite enough speed to really put pressure on my opponents.

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