Stiga Chop & Drive

Tensor 9 reviews

9 Reviews

#1 — November 2021

This is a super rubber. I’ve an old old sheet of this and, I believe it’s around the 1.7mm mark sponge. Honestly, it’s superb. Firstly, the quality is stunningly good. My sheet is very old but still plays very well. Great control with consistency, good for blocks, can chop, and good spin. I’ve kept mine clean with spinmax cleaner, which has prolonged its life. It pairs well on a def blade. I use anti on the other side.

#2 — February 2020

I switched from fast rubber on BH to chop & drive, and I improved a lot thanks to this rubber. Due to its tackiness, good control, spin, and lower speed, it’s perfect for chopping and blocking. You can actually attack with it, but the ball will be slow and spinny.

It’s also good for spinny serves and returning serves, which was my main weakness. Now I can easily return serves with chop and with high topspin serves with drive. It’s a very good rubber, and I recommend it.

Using off- blade.

#3 — November 2015

Amazing rubber for backhand.

Nice combi w/ carbon blades to balance speed.

#4 — December 2012

I use it on my backhand, with a thickness of 1.8. My backhand play improved significantly with this rubber. Punch-blocking has much better control, and my serves are very spinny. It’s a very good rubber, but a little bit too slow.

#5 — March 2012


#6 — April 2010

Rather slow but very spinny rubber is a double-edged sword: the incredible amount of spin also makes it more sensitive to incoming spin.

It excels at close-to-table chopping and blocking.

Compared to a varispin or tackiness D, I personally didn’t like the feel much of a 1.5mm version chopping away from the table.

It’s the Stiga alternative for BTY tackiness C and Donic Slice 40.

#7 — April 2010

Used on Donic PerssonPowerPlay blade, the backhand (BH) rubber is great for “line blocks,” chops, and sudden topspin cross attacks with good control. So far, I’m satisfied with the performance of this rubber.

#8 — January 2010

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#9 — January 2010

I liked this rubber a lot. It provided the control I desired. It chopped consistently with ample spin. Although attacking with it proved somewhat challenging, I was satisfied with the outcomes when I did.

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