Stiga Neos Sound

Rubber description:

The Stiga Neos Sound rubber is designed to offer a balanced blend of speed and control, making it an ideal choice for beginner and intermediate players. With a speed rating of 8.4, users have noted its impressive capability to generate quick shots, often surprising opponents at the table. The rubber’s control rating of 7.8 allows for precision placements, especially during rallies, where playing a consistent and strategic game is key.

In terms of tackiness, the Neos Sound scores a modest 2.7. This provides some grip for spin, although several users have pointed out that it may lack the required spin for advanced players used to high-tackiness rubbers. The sponge hardness of 2.3 contributes to its lightweight feel, which measures 2.4 out of 5, allowing for faster maneuverability. However, this lightweight design might not be suited for everyone, as some players reported that the rubber feels too soft, especially when playing with a plastic ball.

Durability stands at 6.5—indicating that while it performs well initially, consistent use over prolonged periods may diminish its effectiveness. Many users have reported that the Neos Sound remains reliable even after six months of regular play. For those seeking alternatives, different rubber options such as the Gambler Outlaw provide a more robust performance in various attributes. Overall, the Stiga Neos Sound remains a commendable choice for players prioritizing speed and control, albeit with the trade-off of reduced spin capabilities.

Recent Reviews

#1 — April 2020

Too soft for a plastic ball.
Poor control with lots of spin for that kind of “old” and non-tensor rubber.

#2 — May 2018

Butterfly Tenergy 05 Review

As my first rubber, I was surprised by the amount of speed I could generate. People at my local TT club were amazed that I had one of the fastest shots in the place.

Creating spin is not always easy, but I was able to compensate for that with the flex of my blade (Allround Classic) and a more Chinese playing style, power from the ground and spin from the hip. Well controllable.

Sometimes you will hit over the table because you didn’t generate enough spin. Pushing is consistent, so was backspin in general. I am very happy with the way this rubber has performed. Good beginner rubber.

#3 — June 2014

Tried a new sheet. Didn’t like it. It reminded me of a Chinese rubber because it has no power, and the ball falls on the net. It’s slow, but with poor spin. As someone told me, it’s only for beginners. Don’t waste your money.

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