Butterfly Innerforce Layer ZLF


9 Reviews

#1 — February 2022

I play this frame with Sriver 1.9mm on both my forehand and backhand. I like it a lot. Everyone has their own style, and this combination is like a “Swiss army knife” for me. It’s not as fast as ZLC with Tenergy, but do we always need more speed? I want control, mechanical spin, and some dwell time. As an all-around attacker, I can assure you that the ZLF is your friend.

#2 — December 2020

As a player who is constantly learning and training, I was satisfied with this board. However, I changed it to a completely wooden board in order to better understand spin and learn how to give it near the table or in the middle distance. The board has very good feel/vibrations that not everyone likes. It gives the effect of holding the ball, and the FL handle is very comfortable. I recommend it to those who are constantly developing and looking for a specific all + off board — if you don’t mind synthetic fibers, of course! Offensive players who value control will also be satisfied with its speed! Great workmanship! I did not varnish it despite frequent changes in upholstery for a year!

#3 — October 2020

Very good blade for all-round spin attackers. Its initial slow, heavy topspin is incredible and often wins points directly. Blocks are okay because it’s very flexible. Serves are much better than any other blade I’ve used (DHS Long 5, Innerforce ALC, Tibhar Stratus Power). However, it lacks power for smashing and flat hits. Nevertheless, it’s an incredible blade for spin-oriented players who play near the table.

#4 — June 2019

Very slow blade, but with okay control. ZLF can sometimes affect the shot in an inconsistent way. Liu Shiwen ZLF is a better option, as it is faster and better in every part of the game, as well as being a little more solid and predictable.

#5 — June 2019

The blade is a good zlf blade. It is well-balanced and has a nice feel in the hand. The blade is also very responsive.

The control of the blade is great. The ball goes where you want it to go. The blade is also forgiving, so it is easy to make mistakes.

The power of the blade is good. The blade can generate a lot of spin, which makes it good for attacking players.

The speed of the blade is good. The blade is fast enough for attacking players, but it is not too fast for control players.

Overall, the blade is a good zlf blade. It is well-balanced, has a nice feel in the hand, and is very responsive. The blade is also very forgiving, so it is easy to make mistakes.

#6 — April 2018

I played with this blade for more than a year. I previously used the Innerforce ZLF, and I had Tenergy 05 on both sides. This blade isn’t fast. It should be rated as All+ at most. It has great wood feeling but with the added big advantage of an enlarged sweet spot. You can really hit the ball with any part of the blade, something that really amazed me.

Great blade for setting up your technique and learn to put in your effort where you want it. If you want to deliver huge amounts of spin, it will help you, but also if you want to control a fast ball or serve as spinny as you can. Recommended for aggressive play close to the table. You will keep the ball hitting every time.

#7 — Long Time Ago...

This blade is thin and produces slower shots. It offers a wooden feel with considerable vibration. I equipped it with Dignics 80 on the forehand side and Tenergy 05 on the backhand. Despite hitting the ball very hard, my opponents could easily return it. It excels in control blocking but falls short in smashing. However, it performs exceptionally well in spinning and looping underspin. I am considering replacing my backhand rubber with a long pimple (LP) variant.

#8 — Long Time Ago...

This is really one of the best blades I’ve used. It offers a perfect balance of power, control, and spin. The throw is direct and low, making it very dangerous for opponents. The blade is well-crafted and durable, and it provides excellent feedback. I would highly recommend this blade to any player looking for a top-quality blade.

#9 — Long Time Ago...

The speed rating here is far too low, as this blade is nearly as fast as my TBS. It just feels very different with limba and zylon and without carbon (I also know TBS is ALC). This blade has nice control but it definitely has an upper gear range that is not linear with lower input shots. It’s not unmanageable but it’s there and surprised me at times. 7.7 is a speed rating appropriate for Primorac, this should be 8.5. This blade with Tenergy 80 on both sides would be a lovely, balanced blade for an intermediate looking to move up while still being confident in shots or a controlled oriented vet with a not overly aggressive looping game. With Sriver/MarkV type linear rubbers, this blade would be fantastic all-rounders and newer players. Despite some pace and some non-linear gears, control, and touch are very nice for a composite blade. In sum very versatile, even though I prefer the relative crispness of IF ZLC (despite some people being afraid of ZLC pace, IF ZLC also has great control and the right amount of pace for OFF-/OFF playing).

Just checked the Butterfly website and the ZLF has the lowest of reaction rating for composite blades (except for, say, a defensive blade like innershield); however, they also classify it as “mid-fast,” same as TBS, Viscaria, Boll ZLC, etc. This is correct IMO as it’s not as far off the speed of ALC/ZLC blades as some other reviews seem to indicate.

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