Donic Waldner Dotec Allround


3 Reviews

#1 — October 2015

Makes a pronounced *tonk* sound when contacting the ball. No one I’ve met liked the sound, but it depends on your preference. I’ve never heard an all wood, carbon, ALC, ZLF, ZLC, or other composite blade that sounds this strange. Truly odd, and my guess is it’s the combination of Balsa and 'Dotec Mesh' that creates it. Personally, I found it distracting so bought a Tibhar SPW instead, which I love.

Only those who love balsa (and it’s pro’s and con’s) or want to try something different need apply, IMO. Speed is definitely faster than, say, a Primorac Off- and slower than a Tibhar SPW, say between 7.9 and 8.5 speed.

Just as speed is somewhat variable due to the balsa, so too is the control due to balsa’s 'non-linear' effect. The rubbers applied to it also vary perceptions of speed and control. I tried softer and harder sponge rubbers on it but couldn’t find anything that worked well for me, but again it’s personal preference.

The handle is cork, despite the review by “lbuga68” above to the contrary. I’ll add that it certainly doesn’t look anything like “rubber” as suggested, although, in a strange way, could be said to feel like rubber as cork has a natural rubber-like elasticity to it. It IS cork though, without a doubt. Regardless of the blade’s many idiosyncrasies, it’s not my cup of tea.

It’s strong points (IMO) are it’s light weight (70g~) and forehand-friendly handle, while slightly opening the backhand up, for better or worse. For the record, the curved, fat, protruding (palm shaped) part of the blade should curve INTO the palm, not the other way around.

If I was buying a Dotec style blade for the first time, I’d get the Carbon version, which would hopefully change its sound while adding a more consistent feel and playing characteristics than the 5 ply AR version. The 4 outer limba plies would probably assist with this. TTDB reviews appear to suggest the speed/spin characteristics are also more balanced with the carbon version.

#2 — January 2015

I ordered it online and thought the handle was covered by cork. I was wrong; it is rubber that looks like cork.

I usually like thick handles, but this one was too much even for me. I sold the blade to a defensive teammate, and he was happy with Calibra Sound and Xiom O Elite on it.

#3 — December 2014

This blade is surprisingly fast for an all-round blade. However, the control is still very good, so the speed is not necessarily a drawback. It is also slightly smaller than I am accustomed to with all-round blades. I use slower, spinny rubber on this blade, otherwise it would be too fast for me.

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