
15 Reviews

#1 — April 2018

Fast and hard blades require soft rubber to balance the momentum of your shots.

#2 — April 2017

Very fast blade, difficult to make a heavy topspin due to less dwell time. I use Forehand (Fh) Tenergy 05 and Backhand (bh) Xiom Vega Pro with this blade. I feel that the result is only speed, not spin.

#3 — March 2017

Frankly, I have owned many blades, including the Butterfly Gergely Tamca, Xiom Strato, Xiom Zetro Quad, Yasaka Malin, Aruna Off+, and Joola K7. However, none of them provided the power I desired.

One day, I stumbled upon a YouTube video by a Chinese coach who recommended using Hurricane 3neo rubber on the forehand and backhand. I tried it on my Xiom Strato blade, but the results were mediocre.

Determined to find a solution, I purchased a DHS Wind Series 1030 blade. While it had flex, it lacked power. Finally, I discovered the DHS Wind Series CW-C blade.

After reading positive reviews, I paired it with DHS Hurricane Neo3 rubber on both the forehand and backhand. The combination was a revelation. The blade is heavy, but it provides incredible power.

Blocks, backhand smashes, topspins, and forehand topspins are executed with great speed and accuracy. The handle fits perfectly in the palm, and the blade is responsive and aggressive.

Thanks to Chinese coaches who share valuable information, I have improved my table tennis skills. It’s unfortunate that there are no good coaches in India who recommend using Hurricane rubber on the forehand.

For just $25 or $30, the DHS Wind Series CW-C blade is an excellent value. Its quality is comparable to that of blades from Stiga and Butterfly. I highly recommend it, especially when paired with Hurricane 3neo, Skyline, or 8 rubber on the forehand. Boosting the rubber can further enhance its power. The blade is slightly heavy, but it offers plenty of flex. Keep this blade in your arsenal, and you won’t be disappointed.

#4 — December 2016

Overall, this blade is a good choice for a beginner player. I have used it for around 4 years. Although the blade itself is rather heavy (mine weighs 100g), it has excellent power for a drive smash. It is also a suitable option for new players starting to play table tennis because of its low price. However, it is important to be aware of its hardness, stiffness, and weight.

#5 — May 2016

Best blade, very fast, and provides more feeling when used. It’s okay for smashing and spin. When you hit the ball, it comes out with a better sound. I love it; I use Tenergy 05 on both FH and BH. The ball swing is incredible…

#6 — March 2014

The blade is very fast. I have been using it with fh: Donic Sonex JP and bh: 729 Super fx. The blade has a very good feel, but the ply is very stiff.

This is one of the best blades at its price, but unfortunately, DHS does not have much product in India.

If you are an attacking player, go for this blade. It does feel a bit heavy at first, but you will get used to it. Smashing is awesome, and the sound of the blade is very sweet.

Overall, I give this blade 9/10.

#7 — August 2013

This blade produces a distinct “tik” sound upon impact, particularly with flatter shots, despite being equipped with a soft sponge (2.0 mm). This sound is reminiscent of playing with a bare wooden paddle. The blade’s characteristics have enhanced my spin, control, and overall speed performance.

#8 — March 2011

It’s a very cheap blade with a very good quality of “big” DHS. c-wc is the best blade at its price.

#9 — March 2011

In my opinion only, this blade is bigger than the other. However, once rubbers are glued, I can say it is the best blade ever. I use Hurricane 2 Neo for the forehand side and pips out rubber for the backhand, and I think it is really suitable for that.

Moreover, the grippy solid feel of the grip is really comfortable as you’re trying to hit any kind of ball.

Last thing, this blade is known as an offensive blade. However, I think this blade is suitable for any playing style. It’s hard for me to tell whether I recommend this blade for beginners or not, as I’m also a beginner. All I can say is that this blade is a little bit heavy. But once you get used to it, you’ll love it.

#10 — August 2010

This blade is very fast, rather heavy, and not easy to control. I do not suggest using it for beginners.

#11 — April 2009

The blade is very fast and suitable for offensive play. It feels very solid when looping, although smashes feel a little uncontrolled.

#12 — December 2008

This blade excels in speed, boasting 7 plies (5W+2C) for exceptional durability. Despite numerous drops and collisions against the table, it remains remarkably damage-free. This blade has significantly contributed to my progress. Its exceptional speed pairs well with hard rubbers such as DHS Hurricane 2 or 3, or DHS Skyline TG3, transforming it into a formidable weapon for close-to-the-table play.

However, the blade’s rigidity (surpassing even my Butterfly Boll TriCarbon) compromises tactile feedback upon ball contact. Consequently, inherent blade control may be slightly diminished, though the carbon layers mitigate this by expanding the sweet spot, enhancing consistency marginally.

Overall, this blade offers both exceptional quality and unparalleled value. Despite my preference for the TriCarbon, I must acknowledge the superior value proposition of this blade, priced at a mere $29.00 by DHS.

#13 — Long Time Ago...

Blade dengan kecepatan sangat baik, namun untuk menghasilkan spin memerlukan sudut yang tepat. Saat dipasangkan dengan Yinhe Mercury 2 ukuran 1,2 mm di backhand dan Yinhe 9000 V2 ukuran 1,5 mm di forehand, blade ini masih memiliki tenaga yang cukup untuk melakukan counter di dekat meja.

Titik terbaiknya adalah jika Anda bermain agak jauh dari meja, karena blade ini sangat andal untuk memberikan kekuatan. Sayangnya, blade ini cukup berat. Jika digunakan untuk rally, tangan Anda akan cepat terasa sakit. Namun, terlepas dari itu, saya menyukai nuansa yang diciptakan oleh blade ini.

#14 — Long Time Ago...

This blade is very hard and fast. It is designed for players who want to hit the ball with a lot of power and speed. The blade is made of high-quality carbon fiber, which gives it a stiff feel and a lot of pop. The blade is also very well-balanced, which makes it easy to control.

Overall, this is a great blade for players who want to play an aggressive style of table tennis. It is very fast and powerful, but it is also well-balanced and easy to control.

#15 — Long Time Ago...

Tengo esta pala. La compré porque la marca DHS siempre me pareció que tiene productos de primera calidad, tanto en gomas como en pelotas y mesas. En este caso, estaba muy equivocado.

La paleta es extremadamente rígida y muy pesada. Es una paleta que, luego de armada, ronda los 220/230 gramos, una exageración. Me gustan las paletas pesadas, pero estos pesos exceden cualquier parámetro de lo normal.

En cuanto a la cuchilla, tiene buenas terminaciones. El mango es demasiado fino, no es cómodo y hace falta siempre un grip.

En cuanto a la velocidad, es muy rápida, pero el control es incontrolable, no tiene consistencia. El sonido de la madera es horrible, da la sensación de estar jugando con una madera sola sin gomas.

No recomiendo este producto ni para principiantes ni para avanzados. De las peores paletas que pude comprar. No solo lo digo yo, en mi club, el peso de la paleta y el sonido que tiene fue sinónimo de risas durante mucho tiempo. De lo peor que probé. NO RECOMIENDO. Directamente, la serie Wind no tiene buenas referencias en ningún foro.

Mi próxima paleta será la Nittaku Acoustic. Vale cuatro veces más, pero vale cada centavo.

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