Tibhar Evolution EL-P

Tibhar Evolution EL-P table tennis rubberTibhar Evolution EL-P table tennis rubber

Rubber description:

The Tibhar Evolution EL-P is renowned for its remarkable balance of speed, spin, and control, making it a favored choice among attacking players. It features a medium-soft topsheet with a sponge hardness of around 43 degrees, delivering a comfortable feel while maintaining impressive responsiveness, which allows players to generate a variety of shots with confidence. Rated highly for overall performance, the EL-P achieves a speed rating of 9.2 and a spin rating of 9.2, with solid control at 9.1, making it a versatile option for players looking to enhance their game.

When it comes to tackiness, the EL-P scores a moderate 2.2, indicating that it offers enough grip to create significant spin, although it may not be as tacky as some other rubbers on the market. Its weight is classified as medium, approximately 48 grams cut to the standard size, which some users find slightly heavy but manageable, especially for those accustomed to heavier setups. The durability of the EL-P is respectable, with longevity rated at 8.3, offering players a solid lifespan before needing replacement.

For players seeking alternatives, the Tibhar Evolution EL-P stands out against popular rubbers like the Butterfly Tenergy series. While the Tenergy rubbers may provide slightly more speed or spin, the EL-P compensates with superior control and user-friendly dynamics, making it suitable for a diverse range of playing styles. Overall, the Tibhar Evolution EL-P is a commendable choice for those aiming to balance offensive capabilities with dependable control on the table.

Recent Reviews

#1 — December 2021

One of the best rubbers I have ever tried. It provides excellent looping, blocking, and short game capabilities. The sound it produces on topspins is particularly pleasing. While it may be slightly soft for some players on the forehand, it has proven to be perfect for my playing style.

#2 — February 2021

Después de casi 12 años jugando y tras haber probado innumerables gomas en el lado de la derecha, como T05, T05FX, Bryce FX, Friendship, Stiga Calibra, Donic 05, entre otras, he descubierto la goma ELP. Inicialmente, no me convenció cuando la usé en el revés. Sin embargo, decidí probarla en la derecha antes de cambiarla y debo decir que es la mejor goma que he utilizado. Permaneceré mucho tiempo con ella.

No tiene el arco exagerado de la T05. Posee una velocidad muy buena tanto en golpes secos y planos como en topspins. Tiene un giro que, bien trabajado, pica en la mesa y baja (muy difícil de contraatacar). Los topspins y loops con esta goma son de la misma intensidad que una T05.

En bloqueo es excelente, no tiene el efecto resorte de las Butterfly, por lo que puedes detener la velocidad con bloqueos excepcionales. Esta goma es sobresaliente en golpes planos, puedo golpear bolas con facilidad que vienen con efecto de picos sin que salgan de la mesa.

Los servicios quizás no tengan tanto efecto pero con una buena técnica puedes sacarle provecho. No posee un gran corte, pero restar con esta goma es su principal debilidad. Es una goma con un excelente control. Es mejor a media distancia. A larga distancia se requiere una buena técnica para que llegue con fuerza y spin. A corta distancia no es muy recomendable debido a su arco bajo. Sin embargo, podrás realizar flicks de derecha imparables.

En contragolpe es muy rápida. Aunque no tiene tanta catapulta, los contraataques son muy rápidos. Los topspins contra topspins deben hacerse suaves porque si no, saldrán de la mesa.

En resumen, me encanta. Se adapta a mi juego y ha mejorado mis faltas en la derecha. Intento usar muchos golpes de drive y gano muchos puntos ya que vienen muy rápido y bajan al final de la mesa. Recomiendo esta goma a jugadores intermedios, no a principiantes, ya que es rápida y pesada, además de algo gruesa. Para los profesionales puede resultar algo lenta.

El sonido de esta goma cuando roza la bola es puro caucho, un sonido hermoso que no se parece a ningún otro.

#3 — November 2020

I was accustomed to the older SINUS rubber, which I favored for its distinct sound and the abrupt popping sound it produced during fast, short strokes. I sought a similar experience but made a mistake in my selection. Regarding speed, this rubber falls short compared to SINUS. I should have verified the sponge hardness and compared it to SINUS beforehand.

Despite being affixed to my Tibhar H-1-9 bat, I’ve continued using it for two weeks. Apart from its speed, I find this rubber quite satisfactory. It provides excellent grip, and its arc during looping is aesthetically pleasing. Controlling the ball is considerably easier.

I’ve decided to retain this rubber for my practice sessions with my coach. It necessitates precise strokes to generate speed, which aids in refining my technique. However, this rubber is not suited for competitive play.

I recently purchased another racket, the Nittaku Holz Sieben, and equipped it with Aurus Prime, which appears to be more similar to SINUS based on its specifications. I intend to test it next week. I trust that I have made an appropriate blade selection for competitive play.

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