Tibhar Evolution EL-P

Tensor 31 reviews

31 Reviews

#1 — December 2021

One of the best rubbers I have ever tried. It provides excellent looping, blocking, and short game capabilities. The sound it produces on topspins is particularly pleasing. While it may be slightly soft for some players on the forehand, it has proven to be perfect for my playing style.

#2 — February 2021

Después de casi 12 años jugando y tras haber probado innumerables gomas en el lado de la derecha, como T05, T05FX, Bryce FX, Friendship, Stiga Calibra, Donic 05, entre otras, he descubierto la goma ELP. Inicialmente, no me convenció cuando la usé en el revés. Sin embargo, decidí probarla en la derecha antes de cambiarla y debo decir que es la mejor goma que he utilizado. Permaneceré mucho tiempo con ella.

No tiene el arco exagerado de la T05. Posee una velocidad muy buena tanto en golpes secos y planos como en topspins. Tiene un giro que, bien trabajado, pica en la mesa y baja (muy difícil de contraatacar). Los topspins y loops con esta goma son de la misma intensidad que una T05.

En bloqueo es excelente, no tiene el efecto resorte de las Butterfly, por lo que puedes detener la velocidad con bloqueos excepcionales. Esta goma es sobresaliente en golpes planos, puedo golpear bolas con facilidad que vienen con efecto de picos sin que salgan de la mesa.

Los servicios quizás no tengan tanto efecto pero con una buena técnica puedes sacarle provecho. No posee un gran corte, pero restar con esta goma es su principal debilidad. Es una goma con un excelente control. Es mejor a media distancia. A larga distancia se requiere una buena técnica para que llegue con fuerza y spin. A corta distancia no es muy recomendable debido a su arco bajo. Sin embargo, podrás realizar flicks de derecha imparables.

En contragolpe es muy rápida. Aunque no tiene tanta catapulta, los contraataques son muy rápidos. Los topspins contra topspins deben hacerse suaves porque si no, saldrán de la mesa.

En resumen, me encanta. Se adapta a mi juego y ha mejorado mis faltas en la derecha. Intento usar muchos golpes de drive y gano muchos puntos ya que vienen muy rápido y bajan al final de la mesa. Recomiendo esta goma a jugadores intermedios, no a principiantes, ya que es rápida y pesada, además de algo gruesa. Para los profesionales puede resultar algo lenta.

El sonido de esta goma cuando roza la bola es puro caucho, un sonido hermoso que no se parece a ningún otro.

#3 — November 2020

I was accustomed to the older SINUS rubber, which I favored for its distinct sound and the abrupt popping sound it produced during fast, short strokes. I sought a similar experience but made a mistake in my selection. Regarding speed, this rubber falls short compared to SINUS. I should have verified the sponge hardness and compared it to SINUS beforehand.

Despite being affixed to my Tibhar H-1-9 bat, I’ve continued using it for two weeks. Apart from its speed, I find this rubber quite satisfactory. It provides excellent grip, and its arc during looping is aesthetically pleasing. Controlling the ball is considerably easier.

I’ve decided to retain this rubber for my practice sessions with my coach. It necessitates precise strokes to generate speed, which aids in refining my technique. However, this rubber is not suited for competitive play.

I recently purchased another racket, the Nittaku Holz Sieben, and equipped it with Aurus Prime, which appears to be more similar to SINUS based on its specifications. I intend to test it next week. I trust that I have made an appropriate blade selection for competitive play.

#4 — February 2020

Paired this rubber (Max) on a Joola Rosskopf Emotion blade on both sides and found that the speed is there when you need it. The spin is very nice along with a nice feel and touch with good control. Blocking and ball placement come easy. A very nice setup overall.

#5 — October 2019

Amazing control allows for the execution of powerful and spinny strokes with ease.

#6 — September 2019

Tested on the forehand of my Xiom Offensive S in MAX sponge, this rubber plays like a slightly softer version of Vega Pro, or possibly like T05-FX but with greater control. It’s a really nice rubber that definitely sits perfectly between FX-P and MX-P. It offers good control, is fast, and doesn’t lack spin.

I had no issues with using it for short games or further back from the table. However, I wouldn’t recommend this rubber for anyone who is just starting out and looking to hone their technique.

#7 — December 2018

Top control in 1.7mm.
Very good backhand rubber.

#8 — April 2018

I have been using this rubber for the last three months. What makes this rubber amazing is the amount of control it provides with a good amount of speed and spin.

The only disadvantage of this rubber is that it is a little bit heavy (I don’t really have a problem with that).

If you feel that the MXP is quite fast and uncontrollable and the FXP and FXS are quite slow, then this rubber will be a great choice for you.

#9 — April 2018

EL-P and MX-P have been my main go-to rubbers for a while until I moved onto Rasanter R47 and then to Goldarc 8 that I currently use. EL-P has a great feel when playing. It’s not bouncy, it has great control, and creates a tremendous amount of spin. When looping or driving, it gives you a distinct “chewy,” for lack of a better term, feel. You can really feel the rubber grab the ball and dig into the sponge, then catapulting it towards your opponent. Any all-round attacker would love this rubber.

However, if you want more power and speed, I’d go for MX-P as EL-P lacks a little bit in that department. In terms of durability, the top sheet lasts a long time, but the sponge doesn’t. You’ll feel it in 2~3 weeks of use just like MX-P. If you use it regularly, I’d say it’s got 6~8 weeks of lifespan.

#10 — January 2018


  • Good spin
  • Good speed
  • Medium shot angle
  • Excellent build quality


  • Very High weight, equal or more than Chinese rubber despite having a medium hard sponge
  • Not recommended for wood weighing more than 87 grams

FH performance review:

  • Difficult to make loops and topspins due to linearity
  • Looping balls often flew off the table with a slight touch
  • Strong topspins often touched the net

BH performance review:

  • Better suited for BH due to medium throw and top speed
  • Some balls slipped on the rubber during loops
  • Good blocking performance
#11 — November 2017

This is a very versatile rubber. It does a bit of everything. Speed is decent, spin is good, control is above average. However, it does not excel in any one area. For me, it is a solid backhand rubber.

On the negative side, it is heavy and durability is not great (factory boosted). All in all, it is a good all-around rubber.

#12 — July 2017

Very good professional rubber. Good job, Tibhar!
An alternative for Tenergy 05 FX… and a magnificent sound in topspin strokes!

#13 — April 2017

Compared to the T80, this rubber offers better control in the short game. It is an excellent backhand rubber available at a reasonable price.

#14 — January 2017

The Tibhar Evolution EL-P feels quite soft to the touch — softer than MX-S, MX-P, and the EL-S rubbers, and more similar to Andro’s Rasant Grip. For a ~43-degrees rubber, it is quite heavy, weighing 48 grams when cut to the 157 x 150 mm test blade. This puts it within one gram of the MX-P, Nittaku’s Fastarc G-1, and Xiom’s Omega V Euro and Pro rubbers.

The first couple of FH drives quickly revealed that the EL-P is a level slower than the MX-rubbers and marginally slower than the EL-S, although shots played with greater arm acceleration seem to activate a prominent catapult giving the impression of high speed.

Read the full review here: http://blog.tabletennis11.com/tibhar-evolution-series-table-tennis-rubbers-review.

#15 — August 2016

I have been using Evolutiom EL-P for two months now and it is a product of excellent quality. I was initially hesitant because I had been using TENERGY 05 on my backhand. However, I do not regret my decision at all.

Excellent, especially with the right technique. The ball accelerates on the court, making it difficult for the opponent to return underspins, topspins, and situations in between.

Wonderful. The control is outstanding, allowing you to place the ball precisely where you want while taking care of the angle of the racquet. Passive and punch blocks can be executed with ease.

The rubber seems to be quite fast, perhaps slightly less or almost as fast as TENERGY 05.

As mentioned in the SPIN section, everything depends on the technique. I use a backhand with good wrist movement and feel that the combination of control and spin has greatly improved my attacks. You can execute soft attacks with a lot of spin, strong attacks, or smashes with ease.

In this aspect, the rubber seems to be better than TENERGY 05 and 64. The speed and spin are high, but the control is also very high.

As mentioned before, the rubber produces a lot of spin, but I sometimes feel that it is too bouncy when serving. One thing is for sure, your serves will have a lot of spin.

Many people say it is medium-high or medium, but to me, it often seems a bit linear when I want to give more power to the shot. However, this can be fixed with a technical adjustment.

Overall, I highly recommend this rubber. It offers good speed, excellent control, precise blocks, attacks with plenty of spin, and a lot of spin on serves. And best of all, it comes at a great price.

#16 — July 2016

Hi All!

I’ve had the opportunity to play with this rubber for more than six months, usually 8 hours a week, including routine training, free play, and competitive events. I used it on two blades, the Donic Waldner World Champion '89 and the Butterfly Liu Shiwen, on my BH (MX-P on FH). I tried the rubber unboosted and boosted.

First of all, the rubber has a nice, faint red, small-pored sponge that is medium hard. The topsheet feels grippy but not tacky. The rubber has a medium throw with tempo, but the dwell time is very nice. I would say that it is comparable to the Donic Bluefire M2 rubber. To compare them, I must say that EL-P is a tad faster, less dwell, lifts less, is a bit more harsh, and has lower dwell time. Compared to the Butterfly Tenergy 64, T64 has a bit more control and a softer feel, yet the speed is the same. This feeling is due to the EL-P’s harder topsheet. To clarify the scale of these differences that I highlighted, they don’t really matter if you are playing a spin-oriented attacking game. When it comes down to passive play and fine touching the ball, M2 behaves the most forgiving, while EL-P is the least forgiving. However, if you hit your balls with average technique, these differences will not matter.

Blade selection is an important factor for a rubber and vice-versa. EL-P is working fine on flexible blades like Liu Shiwen and does not feel mushy on stiff blades like Waldner World Champ '89.

When we speak of durability, my etalon is MX-P and older sheets (2010) of Tenergy 05-s. With this routine, I mentioned I could play a year and a half with occasional re-boosting the sheets happily and effectively. Well, EL-P wears off a tad faster when the top layer of the rubber sheet gets used. At this time, some boosting has to be done, and at the same time, the rubber surface must be given a thin layer of oil to regain some grip. After treatment, the sheet is ready to go for 2-3 months.

#17 — July 2016

This is a solid rubber, but there are better options available. It does not have one overpowering characteristic, but it does offer a good balance of speed and spin. However, it is not the most controllable rubber on the market.

The most common point of comparison for this rubber is the Tenergy 05 FX. This rubber has a softer topsheet than the T05FX, but a harder sponge. As a result, it provides less spin and control than the T05FX, but it offers more top-end speed. The grip on this rubber is also less than the T05FX, which can lead to the ball slipping on counterloops. This was much more frequent than with the T05FX.

Finally, this rubber is a little heavier than the T05FX. An uncut max sheet was 70g.

#18 — April 2016

I respectfully disagree with those who feel that this rubber lacks spin. I just switched to this from the Acuda P2 (no slouch in the spin department), and my coach commented on the impressive spin I was getting with this rubber on my backhand. At the same time, this rubber seems very forgiving, especially since it is rather speedy. It is just on the soft side of medium, but noticeably firmer than FX-P rubber (which was too mushy for my taste).

It is very good at pushes and service returns, as it is forgiving for an offensive rubber. I like the Acuda P2 a lot. However, I am going to stick with this rubber because it has a less flat ball arc, which makes it better for looping underspin. Finally, EL-P is good both close and at a distance.

#19 — March 2016

Using it as a replacement for P7 on my backhand. It works great, providing good performance with blocks, pushing, and lifting backspins. It also allows for putting a decent spin on the ball.

#20 — August 2015

The sponge hardness of this rubber is between that of T05 and T05fx. It has less speed than T05 and T05fx, and less spin as well. However, it offers more control than T05 and T05fx, and is less sensitive to incoming spin. Overall, after playing with MXP, I had higher expectations for it.

#21 — June 2015

I used this rubber for backhand and it feels very comfortable here.
I can block against loops and smashes more easily than with the T05 I previously used for backhand. (By the way, I just didn’t know that T05 is actually for forehand and I know it now.)
Strong smashes can also be made easily.
Control is very good here.
Excellent rubber!

#22 — April 2015

After playing with Tenergy 05, 05-fx, 80, Andro Rasant, Rasant Grip, and Donic Bluefire JP 01 Turbo, I can confidently say that Evolution EL-P is a great rubber for all aspects of the game. It excels in spin, smash, block, and push.

I’m surprised that Evolution EL-P is not more popular on the market. When I switched from Tenergy 05 to EL-P, I was concerned about counter loops. Tenergy has a very high throw angle, making it easy to counter loop. However, EL-P makes blocking closer to the table safer. The ball is less likely to go over the table (although this may be due to my own technical deficiencies). Despite this, counter loops are still relatively easy.

Overall, Evolution EL-P is highly recommended for attacking players who prioritize control.

#23 — January 2015

You can say that all your needs from the rubber are covered by this rubber. Spin is awesome, and you can control your desired speed from very soft to lightning-fast when you hit hard. I use this rubber on the FH of the Nittaku Barwell Fleet, and the overall feel is good from blocking, chopping, topspinning, and serving. I’m not saying this rubber is the best in the world, but it fits my playing style the most.

#24 — October 2014

Really an equilibrated rubber! It has a fast speed and a lot of control. Fast enough to end the point with powerful shots and controlled enough to put the ball exactly where you want it.

#25 — August 2014

This rubber is of good quality and performs well during gameplay.

#26 — August 2014

Less spin, control, and angle than FXP, which I use on my BH, but excellent for playing at mid-distance and countering loops. Spin and angle are equivalent to Barracuda, but with a little more control and speed. My preferred FH rubber.

#27 — May 2014

This is probably the best rubber I’ve ever played with, including Bryce, Bryce FX, the whole pallet of Srivers, Tenergy… It offers perfect control, speed, and a very good amount of spin. It’s soft enough to work well with harder woods like Primorac Carbon Off+, without losing control.

#28 — April 2014

This rubber is excellent and performs perfectly when blocking.

#29 — November 2013

Excellent rubber, using Tensor technology.

#30 — June 2013

Outstanding rubber, an unexpected surprise. Tibhar makes excellent rubbers, as good as any brand on the market.

#31 — March 2013

I purchased this after reading extensively about Evo rubbers online. However, my expectations were not met. This rubber requires significantly more power to generate the same level of spin as other rubbers, which can be tiring.

Some claim that this rubber is a clone of T05, but I strongly disagree. After two hours of testing all shots, I switched back to T05 for comparison. The difference was striking. T05 is far superior, like a beast compared to a puppy. With the same movements, you rediscover the spin, power, and massive arcs that EL-P lacks.

One advantage of EL-P is that it forces you to brush the ball firmly. Otherwise, generating sufficient spin is challenging. Xiom Sigma Euro also surpasses EL-P in spin capabilities.

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