Nittaku Hurricane Pro III Turbo Blue


10 Reviews

#1January 2023

I have this rubber on the forehand of my Nittaku Ludeak. I can’t find any negatives as long as good technique is used. I do miss drives easily if I hit it without paying attention to where I hit it, but I think that will happen with any rubber and is more a matter of technique. It’s very, very spinny and consistent when looping. The throw angle is a solid medium.

#2January 2022

Nittaku Fastarc G1 vs DHS Hurricane 3 Neo Provincial

Comparing the Nittaku Fastarc G1 and DHS Hurricane 3 Neo Provincial rubbers in a maximum thickness of 2.0 mm reveals several differences. These disparities also apply to non-Neo, National versions, and the 41-degree version of the Hurricane 3.

Key Differences:

  1. Sponge Hardness: The Fastarc G1 has a significantly softer sponge than the Hurricane 3, even after a short break-in period.
  2. Speed: The Fastarc G1 is noticeably faster than the Hurricane 3, including boosted versions.

Unsuitable for Forehand Use:

The softer sponge and increased speed make the Fastarc G1 unsuitable for power looping or finishing topspins, especially when paired with a hard blade. Hard strokes tend to compress the sponge and activate the blade’s wood, resulting in flatter hits instead of loops.

Excellent for Backhand Use:

However, the Fastarc G1 excels as a backhand rubber due to its high tackiness and spin. This allows for effective lifting of backspins and provides sufficient speed for active counter-spins. Additionally, it offers a solid block and the versatility to execute both tacky and spinless blocks.


While not recommended for forehand use, the Nittaku Fastarc G1 is highly recommended for the backhand.

Additional Note:

The cut sheet of the Fastarc G1 weighs 53 grams when trimmed to the size of a typical Butterfly blade like the Viscaria. Conversely, various versions of the DHS Hurricane 3 weigh between 45 and 49 grams.

#3November 2021


This is a very hard, tacky rubber that generates extreme spin. It is best suited for players familiar with Chinese rubbers, as the technique required to loop the ball effectively involves brushing the ball to allow the tacky top-sheet to grip it.

The rubber is HEAVY, making it a good choice for players looking to add weight to their racket. I recently purchased another sheet (after using the first sheet for over a year) to pair with my new Nittaku Acoustic Carbon.

This rubber is most effective when used on the forehand, as it is not the fastest of rubbers. The power of the forehand is necessary to impart the speed and spin required for a powerful loop.

#4September 2021

I waited too long to try this rubber; I should have tried it before. What a great rubber it is! Keep in mind that it is a 100% Chinese-type rubber. There is no tension in the sponge, no catapult on impact, and no easy power when looping. That said, the NHP3TB is faster than regular Hurricane 3 Neo when unglued and way heavier and harder.

A friend of mine said it reminds him of the old Tackifire Special, the hardest rubber ever released. So, it does not go well with every blade. Stiff carbon blades are not the best match for it; it must be a slightly flexible blade. For example, I glued it on a Zhang Jike ZLC, and the setup was like a brick—very hard to control and input spin to the ball. So, don’t even think about Primorac Carbon or Ovtcharov Carbospeed if you want to try this rubber.

Later, I changed it to a Timo Boll ALC, and it became much easier (and fun) to play. With a setup like this, the Turbo Blue shines. Opening topspins go with ease, and loops are very fast. When loops are properly executed, the ball bounces very low after touching the table. You don’t get this kind of shot with any ESN rubber; only with Chinese ones.

As said before, this rubber is heavy and requires a full arm swing to generate speed. But if you can deal with it, the reward is huge and will put a smile on your face. I give it a 9/10 due to the insane weight—probably the heaviest rubber I’ve tried so far—and the price, which is almost twice the price of regular Hurricane 3 Neo.

#5June 2021

Nittaku Hurricane Pro 3 Blue sponge is a high-quality rubber known for its spin and versatility, typical of Chinese rubbers. However, it is very hard and requires boosting with 3-4 thin layers to enhance its elasticity. Otherwise, it feels unresponsive. Additionally, this rubber is exceptionally heavy, with a 13-gram difference compared to H3 2.15mm Neo Provincial 39 degrees when cut to a DHS HL3.

This rubber excels in serve receive and looping, generating an impressive amount of spin that surpasses even Tenergy. It produces a pronounced kick-off the table when looping, resulting in a trajectory that creates challenges for opponents. However, it demands full commitment to the stroke. Due to its hardness, it is unforgiving and instantly exposes any technical flaws.

Despite its hardness, this rubber offers significant power, but only when generated properly. It responds precisely to user input, rewarding correct execution with shots that pose difficulties for opponents.

#6September 2020

Soy jugador en la liga colombiana y mi profesor me lo recomendó hace algún tiempo. Al principio no quería probarlo porque estaba acostumbrado a jugar con cauchos rápidos desde los 9 años, pero me impresionó.

#7August 2020

Tried it on Yinhe V-14 Pro blade, with Nittaku Fastarc G1 on the backhand. (197 gr! too heavy for me)

I agree with lazylegs. This is an amazing rubber for PRO players, if you like Chinese rubbers and are used to playing with H3 Neo commercial, Yinhe Jupiter II, Big Dipper and so on. You can try this, but keep in mind that it is way heavier: 59 gr, and way harder! so you will need a very good technique, to be fit and many weeks to get used to it. I can’t do it now, but I will try in the future. If you are a beginner, forget about it…

#8June 2020

This is a hybrid rubber with a Chinese top sheet and Japanese sponge. However, if you are not a fan of traditional Chinese Hurricane rubbers, this one may not suit you. It is both harder and heavier than regular Hurricanes.

The spin generated on serves is exceptional, outperforming other Hurricane, Tenergy, and ESN rubbers. This can give you an advantage in service exchanges against less experienced opponents.

Initially, the speed is slower due to the ball’s tendency to adhere to the surface. However, once you penetrate this tackiness, you will discover that its top gear is remarkably fast. In fact, it surpasses regular Hurricanes, even those that have been boosted. This is likely attributed to its hardness.

Many rubbers are becoming increasingly hard to compensate for the reduced spin of 40+ balls, a trend that is becoming more common. If you are currently using a regular Hurricane and are interested in trying a harder rubber, this could be a suitable option. If you find this too hard, the orange version offers a similar experience with slightly reduced speed and spin in its top gear.

For beginners, this rubber may be too challenging. Regular Hurricanes are easier to handle if you prefer a Chinese style of play.

For experienced players, boosting this rubber can yield even more extraordinary loops. However, caution is advised to avoid overboosting, as the top sheet can separate from the sponge if done incorrectly.

If you do not require the extreme speed offered by the super thick sponge, you may want to consider the thick or middle sponge options for chopping.

This rubber can be paired with pips on the backhand due to their lighter weight. If using heavy inverted rubber on the backhand, it is recommended to use the lightest blade possible.

#9December 2019

The Nittaku rubber is better than the red rubber. Keep up the good work, Nittaku!

#10Long Time Ago...

Karet ini merupakan kombinasi antara Top Sheet DHS China dan Spon Nittaku Japan. Top sheet sangat lengket seperti karet DHS Hurricane lainnya, sementara spon sangat keras, bahkan lebih keras dari DHS 41 degree.

Spin yang dihasilkan sangat menakjubkan. Dengan teknik pukulan yang pas, bola bisa melewati net dengan sangat tipis karena spon yang sangat keras. Loop yang dihasilkan sangat kencang, tetapi bermain di atas meja seperti flik akan sangat sulit karena bobot karet yang terlalu berat.

Flat hit atau smash juga sangat kencang berkat spon yang keras. Karakter karet ini mirip dengan H3 National, tetapi menawarkan power yang lebih besar.

Kesimpulan: Karet ini tidak direkomendasikan untuk pemula karena sangat sulit digunakan. Namun, karet ini sangat powerfull untuk pemain profesional.

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