Nittaku Fastarc C-1

Tensor 28 reviews

28 Reviews

#1 — April 2023

I use Nittaku Fastarc C-1 on my backhand. After switching from Andro Hexer Grip SFX to this Nittaku rubber, it took me only about ten hours of play to adjust my habits. Despite liking the Andro rubber, I have no desire to return to it because, in my opinion, the Nittaku Fastarc C-1 is at least as good in close to table play and undoubtedly much better in mid-distance strikes.

I acknowledge that there are faster, spinnier, and more dangerous rubbers available, but for an amateur player of 47 years like myself, I believe the Nittaku Fastarc C-1 is an ideal choice. It provides me with ample control, a decent amount of spin, and a manageable level of speed. Most importantly, it allows me to execute various types of strikes and have a great deal of fun playing.

The Nittaku Fastarc C-1 is highly consistent in close to table play. Blocks are effortless, and I have complete control over ball placement. My hits have sufficient pace, making them difficult for opponents to retrieve. The spin I can generate is slightly less than with the Andro Hexer Grip SFX, but it is still very good. Furthermore, I have no trouble handling incoming rotation.

When playing further away from the table, I have both adequate power and control. Changing or reversing incoming rotation is also not a significant challenge.

With the Nittaku Fastarc C-1, I can effectively execute all types of serves, including short, long, forwardspin, backspin, sidespin, and no spin.

One other crucial aspect for me is the lack of a pronounced catapult effect, which is prevalent in many modern rubbers. I find this feature of the Nittaku rubber to be very desirable.

#2 — March 2023

I have used both this rubber and Fastarc G-1 at 2.0mm on the Nittaku Acoustic. Personally, I prefer the C-1 over the G-1 for my current level. As a USATT 1700 offensive looper, the C-1 provides more forgiveness, dwell, and control on my shots.

However, I did notice that it was more insensitive to spin than G-1, making it easier to loop an underspin ball. Overall, I did not discern a significant difference in speed/spin. Both rubbers are suitable for offensive play. I am still able to generate strong winners against my opponents and this rubber performs well when playing away from the table.

If you are debating between C-1 and G-1, choose C-1 if you prioritize added control, and choose G-1 if you desire a slight increase in speed/spin. For me, the C-1 has become my new favorite rubber.

#3 — February 2023

Very good for backhand due to its huge amounts of spin. It is also suitable for an all-around playing style.

#4 — January 2023

UPDATE from 12/2021:

Although I have had excellent experiences with the Fastarc G1 (… on my Stuor Nobilis Hinoki ZLC blade, FH side), I wanted to try a slightly softer rubber.


C-1 in black, “Super Thick” (2 mm), sponge hardness 45 degrees. Weight in original packaging: 95 g, uncut: 65 g, on my blade (157 x 150 mm): 45 g.

This “softer version of the G-1” (with the same top sheet) has more catapult than the G-1. The spin development is not far off the G-1 and is also very high.

In the short game, the C-1 creates more speed (catapult) than the G-1. The spin development is not far from the G-1 and is also very high. With the G-1, the topspin jumps out much flatter. On the other hand, the “angle play” with the C-1 is more difficult. Ultimately, I had the impression that the C-1 was more “forgiving” in many game situations and gave my game more security.


This C-1 is the best rubber with a 45-degree sponge that I have played so far. (However, I haven’t played many.) Definitely give it a try!

(If you want more information about this rubber, visit


I recently became the proud owner of a Butterfly Zhang Jike TAMCA 5000. This blade, slower than my Stuor Nobilis, offers significantly better performance (together with the C-1), as it clearly needs stronger catapult rubber (… than the G-1). So I am also well advised (on my BH side) with the 45-degree hard Tibhar Aurus Select (in 1.7 mm). It’s a dreamlike combination. :-P … Next, I will review the Aurus Select.

#5 — June 2022

Yo compré esta goma en tabletennis11, donde ofrecían “pague 3 y lleve 4”. Sin embargo, nunca pude probarla.

Quedó retenida en aduana porque eran más de tres productos iguales. Me informaron que debía ser importador y contratar a un despachante de aduana.

Pedí ayuda a tabletennis11, pero se desentendieron del tema. Me respondieron: “¿Para qué realizas una compra si no puedes contratar un despachante de aduana?”.

Tabletennis11 publica ofertas atractivas (pagas 3 y te damos 4) para atraer clientes y obtener ganancias. Sin embargo, los clientes pueden enfrentar problemas como este. ¡Cuidado con tabletennis11!.

#6 — May 2022

Good offensive rubber for forehand. It’s not very tacky and not very spinny. However, it’s a great weapon when you get used to it and make the strokes right.

#7 — May 2022

Je suis classé 13. Je joue principalement en attaque CD à base de top spin. J’ai joué avec le G1 en 1,4 mm en revers sur un bois Petr Korbel (moyennement dur). J’ai adoré jouer avec, car il m’a procuré beaucoup de contrôle avec la mousse en 1,4 mm. J’ai progressé dans mon jeu et cela m’a donné plus de confiance pour poursuivre et développer mon jeu côté revers qui est mon gros point faible.

Je suis passé au C1 en 1,8 mm (avec bois plus tendre que le Petr Korbel, un Nitakku Latika Light) pour deux raisons. Le rejet du G1 est tellement haut que mes retours de service l’étaient également, engendrant des difficultés dans la suite du jeu et permettant à l’adversaire de prendre le jeu à son compte. Enfin, avec le C1, je peux mieux contrôler, la mousse étant plus tendre. Le rejet est tout à fait correct.

#8 — April 2022

Review of C1 Table Tennis Rubber

After several weeks of playing with C1 on both forehand and backhand in 1.8 thickness, I was immediately impressed by its exceptional control. This rubber aligns perfectly with my all-round playing style, generating ample spin while maintaining a relatively fast speed.

Despite its medium hard sponge (45 degrees), it’s exceptionally well-suited for blocking. Additionally, its lightweight construction (weighing only 43g when cut to a BTY) is an appealing feature.

In comparison to the Andro Hexer Duro, a previous all-round rubber I utilized, the C1 outperforms it in various aspects. I wholeheartedly recommend this rubber to offensive all-round players, particularly those using stiffer blade setups.

#9 — April 2022

Do It All Rubber

I find that I can feel my blade more with this rubber than any others. The top sheet is meaty and very durable. It offers phenomenal spin and control, not a speed monster but fast enough even for forehand.

Lifting backspin balls is very easy. Blocking is also effortless, and serves are spinny. It’s a very well-rounded rubber with a nice speed glue sound.

On an acoustic carbon inner on the backhand side, it provides excellent control.

Recommended 10/10

#10 — October 2021

I would say this is a reference training rubber in its best possible meaning. I give a bat with this rubber on both sides to my training partners, and they seem to well acknowledge its qualities.

The topsheet is not tacky at all, but has a surface with surprisingly good grip, which lasts for a very long time. However, the edge is a little bit prone to chipping if it is not protected by a properly chosen edge tape.

The rubber feels a bit harder than the specified ESN 45 degree, possibly due to its relatively hard and thick topsheet. I could not observe any difference in playing characteristics of the rubber even after months of usage, which is a very big plus for me.

The rubber response feels very linear on almost every stroke, which gives great precision in placement. The rubber is only moderately bouncy in the low gears, but speeds up noticeably when more force is applied. Employing the sponge gives a good gradual speed boost without any sudden changes.

On the lightest touches, the rubber has almost no catapult, so you have to be a bit more mindful regarding placement (counting on off-balance shots is possible, but they are not really effective) and confident in executing your shots. But once accustomed to it, you will be rewarded with great short play precision, and your shot quality will develop as well. The rubber will definitely “tell” you if you execute your shots correctly, but it is also forgiving to some extent.

Brush loops are relatively easy to execute—the produced spin is very good, but I know a few better rubbers to pressurize the opponent with spin. Usually, the produced arcs are safe enough to clear the net easily, but not largely.

On the strongest counterhits, the rubber starts to behave noticeably differently (due to the start of bottoming out?), but it is still possible to calculate the proper bat angles. Sensitivity to spin of incoming ball can be felt to some healthy but manageable extent.

This is a very good value for the price.

#11 — August 2021

To get the best performance from this rubber, you need the right technique and power. Without them, it may perform like a regular, inexpensive rubber.

#12 — May 2021

Used this rubber on a BH on an Andro Timber blade.
Now testing it on a Korean TMOUNT (TCORE 560) Blade.

#13 — May 2020

Fast, spinny yet controllable rubber.

This rubber is fast and spinny, but it is still controllable. This makes it a good choice for players of all levels, from beginners to experienced players.

#14 — May 2020

Among the most sold rubbers in the world:

In all of Asia, every major store keeps them in stock.

#15 — April 2020

Little brother to Fastarc G1.

Talked to a lot of people here in the club, and everybody is confused by the poor reviews here. It is the 4th most sold rubber in Asia, goddammit!

#16 — March 2020

Wow, I have never played with such accuracy! The spin here is totally wrong. This is made after G1 but is a softer rubber with enormous spin. Long contact, almost sticky. I saw it was the third most sold rubber in Asia. And that means pretty much the world. Fastarc G1 is still in top with Roozena and 05, then CI. Here is the list over most sold rubber in Asia Top Ten: 3 Yasaka and 3 Nittaku among the top ten! Butterfly, are we a little bit too expensive maybe???

#17 — August 2019

Katapult - Toss


  • Slower than Fastarc G-1
  • Similar properties to the Fastarc G-1
  • A bit more catapult


  • Not as fast as the Fastarc G-1
#18 — January 2017

The Nittaku Fastarc C-1 feels marginally harder to the touch than the P-1, which is surprising given the softer sponge and lower weight (47 grams, 157 x 150 mm).

Although the topsheet and sponge architectures of the C-1 and P-1 are quite different (see the introduction), the two sheets feel very similar to me in gameplay. Except perhaps that the C-1 is slightly slower and less spinny and produces a less pronounced click on fast hits.

The C-1 shares the spongy feel of the P-1 on fast FH shots.

For our full review, see this link:

#19 — December 2016

Review of Table Tennis Rubber

This rubber is highly versatile and has a soft feel. It offers impressive speed and spin capabilities. Additionally, it has a wide range of gears, allowing for effortless drop shots and the generation of tremendous speed and spin when hitting hard.

For personal preference, the rubber may be slightly too soft. A harder version could be more suitable to prevent bottoming out prematurely.

When compared to the T64, this rubber is marginally harder (though significantly softer than the 05). It exhibits superior gear and enhanced grip due to its slightly tacky surface, which effectively handles both mechanical and tacky play.

Despite its slightly tacky topsheet, this rubber has a lower sensitivity to spin, comparable to the Mark V level.

#20 — September 2016

When I first used this rubber, it was quite fast. I bought it with the S-1, which is still very fast, whereas this rubber has completely lost its speed. It is now pretty much a stock Sriver/Sriver FX.

I believe this rubber is comparable to Tenergy 80, which may be considered a mediocre failure compared to the two greats (T05 & T64 and G-1 & S-1). If you need something faster, I recommend sticking to G-1 for your forehand and S-1 for your backhand instead of bothering with this rubber.

#21 — May 2016

Best forehand rubber. Good consistency in Smash, Loop, Drive, Block, n’ Push. Use on Medium Hard Blade.

#22 — December 2015

Great Allround Rubber

This rubber is slightly faster than non-tensor rubber like Sriver, but not too fast. It’s great for close to the table and mid-distance play. You can loop, drive, hit, push, block, and flick with this rubber.

It’s not too sensitive to incoming spin, and the serve is average but good enough. This is a good choice for those who want to try tensor rubber but are afraid it’s too fast for them to handle. If you can play with Sriver, you can play with this rubber and you will have more speed.

#23 — May 2015


Used 2.0 on the backhand. Technique is required to maximize its performance. Nittaku was not exaggerating when they claimed it can “create artistic shots.” It offers versatility, allowing both offensive and defensive play as needed.

#24 — September 2013


This review is based on the 2.0mm red version of the rubber. It is a high-quality rubber made in Germany by a Japanese brand. It can be used for both forehand and backhand strokes.

The rubber excels at brushing and straight hitting techniques. It can generate decent topspin, flat shots, and good pushes. It is moderately fast, so players need good hitting techniques and a compatible blade to produce faster shots.

This rubber is ideal for players who want to improve their techniques. It pairs well with the G-1 rubber on the forehand.


The edge of the rubber is somewhat brittle, so pieces may break off easily. However, this is a common trait among tensor rubbers.

#25 — Long Time Ago...

Great Rubber for the BH.

#26 — Long Time Ago...

High quality rubber. The sponge is hard enough to produce a lot of speed, but the rubber is quite soft, giving a good amount of control. This is especially noticeable in active block/smashes. I only had problems getting used to FH topspin-topspin attacks, but this could be because I was switching from a tacky Chinese type rubber. Overall, it’s worth the money.

#27 — Long Time Ago...

I don’t know why some people say that this rubber is inferior to G-1. It has the same top sheet. Being a bit softer than G-1, with a 45-degree hardness (not a soft rubber), it is a little slower than G-1. But it’s still fast. Spin is still great. Durability is best with G-1. It’s not bouncy like some tensor rubbers. It offers superb control. It’s the best for backhand. Though I loved it on the forehand as well. One of the best.

#28 — Long Time Ago...

This superb rubber is totally underrated here! If you speak German, go to Marcel’s German tt-spin blog and read his review. He compares it to EL-S and Vega Japan in terms of spin arc. While EL-S seems to be more aggressive, C-1 seems to give quite a bit of stability.

From my point of view, you can achieve better angles with C-1 than with, say EL-P. Usually, I play Evolution EL-P, Vega Japan or FX-S on my forehand. While EL-P is too hard for me in certain situations and FX-S is too soft or not powerful enough, Fastarc C-1 is like a good blend between these two and plays like a Japanese rubber.

I also think it behaves in a very linear way and placement is better than with other high tech rubbers. You always feel like you are in control of your shots and your shots can also be as vicious as with other powerful rubbers.

Am using Tenergy 25FX on my backhand and have tried C-1 in backhand opening loops, too, which also works greatly. However, 25FX will stay on my backhand, because C-1 is a little too aggressive for the job. Highly recommended!

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