Andro Rasant

Tensor 68 reviews

68 Reviews

#1 — June 2019

Rasapt Review

This rubber is an excellent option for backhand play. It generates tremendous amounts of spin for loops while maintaining a high speed, making it ideal for powerful smashes.

Durability and Performance Over Time

After extensive use over four months, with six hours of play per week, the rubber continues to perform admirably despite varying temperatures. Remarkably, it seems to have improved over time, exhibiting even greater spin than when initially purchased.


The Rasant is highly recommended for players seeking a fast and spinny non-tacky rubber. Its exceptional performance and durability make it a top choice.

Update 16/06/2019

To my dismay, the Rasant was discontinued despite its popularity. For years, it was my go-to rubber, and it remains the closest thing I’ve found to Tenergy in terms of performance while offering consistent durability.

#2 — May 2018

An amazing backhand rubber with superb control and speed.

#3 — April 2018

Switched to this from Vega Pro and P7. Well, some of my loops just drop into the net. But when it passes the net, the spin is amazing. With previous rubbers, looping was easier. Counterloops and smashing is where this rubber shines.

Maybe after a few sessions, it will become more dwell for better chop looping.

#4 — February 2018

Sadly discontinued. I have had this rubber on my Garaydia T5000 for two years now. It excels in spin, smash, block, and backspin. This rubber has the power.

#5 — January 2018

Totally awesome rubber. Tensor and super speed with amazing control. Spin is out of this world.

#6 — December 2017

Absolutely love this rubber. It’s a classic combination of great spin and speed. And what a game I’m having with it!

#7 — December 2017


The iconic TOP SPIN rubber from Andro is a top choice for aggressive topspin play. With its tacky surface and responsive sponge, it provides excellent grip and spin generation. The rubber is best suited for skilled players who prioritize spin and power over control.


The TOP SPIN rubber excels in producing heavy topspin, making it ideal for looping drives and counter-attacking. Its tacky surface allows for a firm grip on the ball, enabling players to generate extreme spin. The responsive sponge provides a solid foundation for explosive topspin shots.

Control and Speed

While the TOP SPIN rubber generates exceptional spin, its primary focus is on power. It is not as forgiving as rubbers designed for control, but skilled players can harness its full potential. The rubber’s speed allows for lightning-fast drives and counters, making it suitable for aggressive playstyles.


The TOP SPIN rubber is known for its durability, making it a worthwhile investment. Its high-quality construction ensures that it can withstand rigorous use. Players can expect the rubber to maintain its performance over an extended period.

#8 — October 2017

The rubber has a big-pore green sponge, which provides good spin, but it’s not overly fast. The durability of the rubber seems to be excellent, as it doesn’t chip easily. I may have just been lucky, but it’s worth noting that the rubber is quite durable.

#9 — September 2017

I love this rubber. After I started using it, I realized what is speed and what is control. I can even return fast shots from 10 feet away, always landing where I want. Mind you, when I try this with other rubber, I fail a lot. I am using it on an Andro Trieber z blade.

#10 — January 2017

My style is mid/long distance attacker, and I am convinced that this rubber is currently the best on the market. For a while, I was debating between using this rubber and Andro Rasant Grip. I tried both out and was very happy with both rubbers.

I ended up choosing this rubber instead of Andro Rasant Grip because it was a little faster with slightly higher throw than Rasant Grip. I am using 2.1mm, and the control on the rubber is phenomenal. It is extremely surprising how linear this rubber feels despite it having tensors at it. I feel extremely confident using this rubber to counter loop and looping short balls that barely come off the edge of the table. I guarantee that anyone who uses this rubber will be extremely satisfied in all styles of play.

#11 — September 2016

Infinity VPS 5

Rating: 1.9
This rubber instantly improved my serves. The explosive spin it generates is unbelievable—the best I’ve played with. It offers fast speed without sacrificing control. I’m also addicted to the smell. Love it!

#12 — March 2016

Using this rubber on my Stratus Powerwood blade for FH, I prefer to play a looping game not very far from the table. It can do just about everything (even chops, maybe not very good ones, but still, when you want to have some fun). A medium-hard sponge makes it still fast without losing spin and control. You can finish a point by placing a precise spinny and low shot right into the table corner or smash the ball as hard as you can and watch with pleasure how your opponent is trying to catch that damn fast ball. For me, it’s the best rubber I’ve ever used.

#13 — December 2015

This rubber is an excellent alternative to Adidas p7, as Adidas no longer produces rubbers and blades. It has a medium hardness, not too hard or too soft, and a high throw. This high throw helps to overcome significant backspin and generate topspins with good arc, speed, and spin.

In the short game, returns are very low and banana flicks are highly spinny, as are other shots such as serves, with good technique and a nice grazing of the ball.

Due to the high throw, this rubber can be paired with hard blades or medium-hard and flexible blades. It is particularly recommended for two-winged attack loopers or one-side attackers.

#14 — May 2015

I use the maximum thickness on both sides. I find that the red side used as a backhand rubber is very good. However, the black side used as a forehand rubber is hard to control. I have to hit the ball at the right angle with no more than medium power or the ball will go off the table. It’s unforgiving.

I use this rubber on a Stiga Hybrid NCT blade, which is hard and heavy.

#15 — December 2014

I have always played with hard rubbers on my backhand like Rakza 9, but this is better for me now. It provides more control, much spin, and a lot of speed when you hit it right.

#16 — September 2014

This rubber is not suitable for backhand play. Its full potential can only be realized on the forehand side. I found it difficult to loop or flick effectively compared to T64. I have used 1.9 mm thickness on both sides of the SPW blade. This setup has been the best I have tried to date. My third ball attack has improved compared to when I used Chinese rubber. The spin generated by this rubber is genuine. It is not as effective for blocking. Counter looping is more suitable. Counter looping at mid-distance has been a new experience for me. The trajectory of this rubber is low, but it clears the net and puts the opponent under pressure, even from a distance. Additionally, it offers excellent control. This property distinguishes it from T05. Since it is a tensor rubber, some shots may go long when you are too close to the table.

#17 — September 2014

Playing with it on a hard blade, I find that it is a fast rubber. However, the dwell time is minimal on the backhand for topspin shots and excellent for blocking. Overall, I do not rate it as highly as other reviewers.

#18 — August 2014

Playing with this smooth rubber is like driving a car with multiple gears. It offers excellent spin control. I use it on a custom 5-ply wood blade made from kiso and rosewood. I highly recommend this upper-level OFF- rubber for use with carbon or wood blades.

#19 — August 2014

Pros: This rubber provides exceptional spin, speed, and control for serves and loops.

Cons: The sponge design can be too soft or too firm, affecting control. Additionally, the top sheet can be excessively tacky, reducing control and requiring frequent cleaning.

Recommendation: While this rubber is suitable for offensive players, it requires specific playing style adjustments to maximize its potential. The sponge’s softness and the top sheet’s tackiness may require careful consideration and adaptation. Compared to Tenergy, this rubber may not offer the same level of performance or consistency for all players.

#20 — July 2014

The rubber is fast, providing incredible spin and control. Blocks and serves with it are effortless. It’s a pleasure to play with.

#21 — June 2014

I’m around 1600 rating and use Xiom Aria 5-ply all wood shakehand blade, typically with Vega Pro on FH, although I had recently was using Omega IV Pro which felt way too fast with a rock-hard sponge. I use a very thin application of Butterfly Free chack.

Rasant is reasonably fast, but not nearly as fast as I expected based on other reviews and compared to latest generation of tensors. Speed felt similar to Vega Pro.

Rasant has a sponge that feels medium hardness with an extremely soft topsheet. Somehow the whole setup feels softer when playing than when pressing it with your finger.

When looping the rubber really holds the ball a long time and produces a lot of spin with good speed. The feature I like most is the control. I felt like I couldn’t miss when topspinning, even when making less than ideal contact. It actually felt like the sweet spot on my blade was enlarged. I’ve never experienced that simply by changing rubber. The sound is also really loud and satisfying, and reminded me of Acuda S2.

Hitting and smashing were less than average. Softer feel made it feel kind of sluggish.

Short game is extraordinarily good. Returning serves with a short push is easy, giving me opportunities to attack on the next ball. The great control makes me feel confident.

Update: After 1 month, I went back to Vega Pro. Rasant plays well but felt too soft for me on FH.

#22 — May 2014

Spin is less than that of Adidas P7. The sheet yields a medium throw. The sponge is a bit soft, making the rubber slower than claimed in the statistics above, which I expected more from. Overall, I am disappointed, considering Donic’s high-end reputation.

#23 — May 2014

Wonderful to play with! It takes some time to get used to, but then…wow! It has great speed and extraordinary spin. It has a poison green sponge.

#24 — May 2014

It is a fast and high-spin rubber with very high quality. It is not a high-control rubber at all. I have used it with both 2.1mm and 1.9mm sponge thickness. I prefer the 1.9mm for blocking, as the thinner sponge still packs plenty of spin and power. It is very good for opening on all types of balls.

#25 — May 2014

I use an RSM platinum special (10.5 mm) pen-hold racket. The spin is good, while the speed is relatively low (slower than the XIOM vegapro and sigma europe). The push is weak (possibly due to a softer sponge). It is easy to do the loops in low and high speed. The block is weak (softer sponge for RSM 10.5 mm racket).

#26 — March 2014

The reviews on this site regarding Rasant are scarcely believable. Speed, Spin, Control, all as good as it gets. I bought the rubber but didn’t buy the hype. And then I used it.

The learning curve is steep, chopping and short game require a deft touch… but I would say less than most Euro rubbers. Rasant is billed as faster than faster (pretty lame marketing but whatever) the speed somehow isn’t anything crazy at regular hitting speed… but if you feel like it (as you should), just to drop jaws and destroy balls, there is some gears that reach above what is conceivably possible.

How much speed? You can maim your opponents as they dive screaming in fear, and I’m only being marginally dramatic. After gluing it feels like they have a settling period, where the speed and spin becomes more linear and more predicatable.

After they’ve settled down there is nothing to describe the feeling of effortless domination these allow your attacking game. So perfect, so so so perfect! I’ve used the full gambit of competing rubbers… This is the new benchmark for aggressive and technically capable players.

#27 — February 2014

Faster, spinnier, awesome rubber.

#28 — January 2014

Attacking game is very good. However, it is not easy to generate a lot of spin on serves. The short game needs to take care. The 2.1mm rubber is a little bit heavy.

#29 — January 2014

This rubber is the best I’ve used so far. I prefer it over the entire Tenergy series. It’s not overly fast, but it provides excellent spin and control, offering a great balance overall. I’ve used it on various blades, including the Butterfly Zhang Jike Super ZLC, Andro Treiber Z, and Darker 7p-2a.7t, and it has consistently performed well. The green sponge adds to its aesthetic appeal as well.

#30 — January 2014

I absolutely love this rubber from Andro. I use it in 2.1mm on an off- blade, and it’s effortless to create heavy topspin with this rubber. I mean, HEAVY topspin. I do believe this rubber is the ‘Tenergy Killer.’ It’s more cost effective, more durable, and in my opinion, creates a hell of a lot more spin than the Tenergy series.

I have one qualm with this rubber: I find my forehand pushes hard to keep short. Maybe it’s to do with my offensive blade. Other than that, this rubber is from the gates of heaven LOL…

#31 — December 2013

Mientras sigas practicando con esta esponja, le agarras más el gusto. Es muy rápida y muy controlable. Excelente probada en 2.1mm.

#32 — December 2013

For me, this rubber is the best for playing safely in many styles of play. It has very good speed, spin, and control. I would just like it to be tackier. It is cheaper than the “T” Butterfly family. Lastly, it lasts a very long time. The rubber stays almost the same after several training sessions, even many months later.

#33 — December 2013

A new year, new bat; well new TT rubbers at least. I had been using Acuda S1 (FH) and Acuda S1 Turbo (BH) on a Boll ALC blade for over 12 months. Nothing really wrong with either of them, but they needed replacing and I wanted something with a tad more power. After pouring over sites like this I eventually opted for Rasant (2.1 mm FH) and Tenergy 25FX (2.1mm BH) on the same Boll ACL blade (using Andro free glue).

After three sessions of play, I am broadly satisfied with my new set up. Rasant has certainly not disappointed. It is noticeably quicker (but not uncontrollably) and my topspins still fizz with as much spin as they did with S1. Blocking is great too. In short, it has improved my game.

Adjusting to T 25FX on the other hand has been harder. Off the bat it feels (and is) slower than the Rasant & the S1 turbo. Shots I used to put away for winners on my backhand, now find the net. Not surprising perhaps, the T 25FX is after all a softer rubber. You need to use your body (hip) rather than just forearm & wrist on the backhand to get the ball to go. But when you do and the catapult effect kicks in, this rubber is pretty cool, and offers a gear that others don’t have. Where it is really exceptional, though, is in blocking. Just as other reviewers have said, the control on the block is excellent and I find myself getting a lot more balls back than I used to.

Overall, I’m happy with the switch even if I haven’t fully adjusted to T 25FX yet. Now if I could just find a better blade…the equipment whoring continues.

UPDATE: Two months later it is still a great rubber for a European style looping game. But its short game lets it down. Isn’t very forgiving. Switched to Razaka 7, which so far, has been a better rubber all round.

#34 — November 2013

I was previously using T05 and I find Andro Rasanter R48 a better choice. Its speed is ridiculous, spin is awesome and the control is extremely balanced. Top quality rubber made by Andro.

#35 — October 2013

Just as good as its brother “Rasant Turbo”, this rubber is better suited for forehand play in my opinion.

#36 — October 2013

This is quite possibly the best rubber currently on the market. I honestly did not think I could find a better rubber than the Rakza 7, but this is it.

The spin is absolutely insane and combined with excellent touch. You’d be crazy not to try this one, especially at the price!

#37 — October 2013

Andro Rasant…in a world full of T05/64/80 etc., it cuts through them like a hot katana through butter. It is the Godzilla with the poise and precision of a ballerina. It is alive. Want speed and power? It shoots balls out at trans-warp speed with pinpoint accuracy.

It has more spin than the following rubbers I have personally played with; SpinArt, T05/64/80, Tibhar Grip S, Tibhar Evolution FX-P, Tackiness Chop/Drive, Hurricane 3 Neo, Yasaka Rakza 7, Haifu etc. and Adidas P7, which comes in a close second.

It has so many gears that I did everything with it today, from drop shots that just died over the net, to extremely wide-angle touch blocks for outright winners, to lobs, chops, and extinction level doomsday loops that go through USATT 2,000 rated players and powerful, precise and punishing punch blocks. I use it on my backhand in 2.1mm thickness. It pushes exceptionally well and although it produces more spin than anything else out there, it is not as affected by incoming spin as many rubbers.

It is like taking your 2014 Berlinetta out for a spin; it looks great and cruises nicely and comfortably down the streets of downtown. Then you take it to the track, put your helmet on and rip the asphalt off the track as you red-line the tachometer with every shift and carve through corners with the agility of a cheetah then create a wormhole as you fly through the long straights. Rasant will provide you with every chance to win the point. If you don’t, it is because of user error.

#38 — October 2013

This rubber is amazing. I don’t recommend using water-based glue with it, as I had trouble gluing it using this type of glue. However, I had no trouble playing with the rubber, and it produces effortless spins and flat drives. Overall, it’s an amazing rubber.

#39 — September 2013

This is a very good forehand rubber. It is easy to survive with, chop and block. It generates a lot of spin, and the speed is good too. Looping on topspin is excellent. However, it is a bit heavy on 2.1 thickness. I think this is the rubber that I was looking for. I recommend it, but not on 2.1 thickness. 1.9 or 1.7 thickness may be better. On my BTY Innerforce ZLC, the speed is too much.

#40 — August 2013

A very good rubber, and the first I tested from Andro, but I hope not the last. It’s way up there with Tenergy, Rakza, Tenzone, Calibra, Bluefire, Acuda, and so weiter.

The spin is amazing, it’s easy to play with, the sponge is poison green, and the smell is contagious for other people. What more could you ask for in a tensor?

#41 — June 2013


I have used this rubber on a Xiom Aigis (rated DEF+ overall) and found that forehand chops are very easy to make. Despite its speed, it remains highly controllable. The combination of speed and control allows for powerful loops that can win points even when using a defensive blade.

#42 — May 2013

Reference-quality rubber. Perfect speed and spin, with nice control. I can’t find anything wrong with it; it’s a true delight. I use Xiom and Tihbar Nianmor on my blade, but I must say, the Rasant rubber is fantastic, magnificent. Buy it, I did!

#43 — May 2013

Wow! Top 5 all-time rubber. Amazing in all aspects.

#44 — May 2013

The green sponge has a unique appearance that sets it apart. It enhances the player’s aesthetic appeal on the court. I employ this rubber on my forehand with the ZLF blade, and it has become an indispensable tool for my game. It excels in executing various shots, including looping topspins, backspins, and close-table counterlooping. This rubber delivers both speed and spin.

However, it is worth noting that the rubber’s performance may diminish slightly in terms of power when playing at middle and far lengths of the table.

#45 — April 2013

To me, at first, it was a big disappointment. It felt like a fast anti-spin rubber. So I put it away in displeasure. After a few weeks, it came to my mind that it might play differently on another blade. So I put it on a stiffer blade and the difference was such that it could not just be because of the blade. So I put it back on my regular blade.

The rubber had become very spinney just by “resting.” And it is still very fast. Although it’s kind of hard sponge, it is flexible enough to sink in the ball by hitting hard. And that is how you have to do if you want to get all its spin potential.

Yet, it’s not the rubber for an average player like me. I would say a more trained player would like this rubber for f/h. Someone who has the proper technique for the short game. On the attacking game, anyone can use it.

#46 — April 2013

A very good rubber that excels in opening loop and power loops. It performs well in the short game and ranks second in the topspin to topspin category. The spin on serves is good, but it can be challenging to generate a lot of spin without using your wrist. Overall, I am very happy with this rubber, and it has become my rubber of choice. Recommended for players who rely on topspin play for their strength.

#47 — April 2013

This rubber is better than the best. It is a great choice for players of all levels, from beginners to professionals. The rubber is very durable and provides excellent spin and control. It is also very responsive, which makes it great for attacking shots.

Overall, this is a great rubber that is sure to improve your game. It is a good choice for players who are looking for a high-quality rubber that will provide them with excellent performance.

#48 — March 2013

Bye Bye TENERGY. Everything about this rubber is better than Tenergy, even its price. It’s the best rubber ever in world table tennis. It’s lighter, faster, spinier, cheaper, and handsome as well with the fluorescent green-colored sponge.

#49 — March 2013

Using the 2.1mm thickness on the forehand of a Xiom V1 Quad bat, the spin generated by this rubber is remarkable.

Players whom I previously struggled to outplay are now occasionally forced off the end of the table due to the extreme spin produced by my shots. Additionally, the side spin imparted by the rubber is highly noticeable.

It offers excellent control and, crucially, is less susceptible to incoming spin compared to many other spin-oriented rubbers. Despite these advantages, I still prefer using Rakza7 regular or soft as my backhand rubber.

#50 — February 2013

Es una excelente goma, una muy buena opción para no gastar gran cantidad de dinero en las Tenergys. Tiene mucho potencial para el juego a corta, media y larga distancia. Buen efecto en los topspin, flips y para los golpes planos tiene una excelente velocidad. Es muy buena para contrataques. Al principio es un poco difícil de controlar las recepciones, supongo que por el tacky de las mismas. Los bloqueos son excelentes. El arco de la pelota cuando se roza es asombroso. La esponja verde es bastante llamativa.

En fin, una excelente goma a un excelente precio, muy dinámica para el tenis de mesa allround y ofensivo. Excelente spin, rápida y un control increíble. La uso en una madera Tibhar Karas de carbono y se siente excelente, una gran opción para todos. La recomiendo al 100%.

#51 — January 2013

This is a review for thickness 1.9mm on the blade BTY Zhang Jike.

#52 — January 2013


I paired this with Timo Boll Spirit and played this rubber for about 6 sessions, each lasting 2 hours per day. I started playing table tennis two years ago and have been playing seriously for the last six months. My style of play is all-around with a strong backhand flick wrist action.


The rubber has a shiny top sheet that is black. The green sponge has a unique smell but is an attractive color.


When used as a forehand rubber, Rasant lacks something compared to Magic Carbon and Joola Samba Plus, which I have also tried with Timo Boll Spirit. It offers less control on forehand topspin but excels in spin drive and topspin with a full trust stroke. It attracts a lot of moisture and needs to be cleaned with a sponge after each set. Its main strength is in its counter drive and counter loop shots.

#53 — January 2013

This is really a pleasure to play with. However, in very short games, it presumes really good reading of incoming spin. Otherwise, there will be places for offense from the opponent’s side.

#54 — December 2012

I have used Tenergy 05 for forehand and 64 for backhand for the last two years. Rasant is a lot spinnier than 05. The speed depends on the racket angle and technique, of course, but it’s faster than 05. At the backhand, the throw angle is lower than 64, which is good for my game.

#55 — December 2012

This rubber produces a lot of spin, offering great control during play.

#56 — September 2012

I received it earlier, and it’s AMAZING.

#57 — July 2012

I am Macheeste, 59 years old, and have been playing since I was 12 years old. I play from both wings but favor backhand and close to the table.

This rubber at 1.9 is amazing. I get the pop I need on the backhand and can loop with a low trajectory on the forehand. Flipping on the forehand and backhand is good without the big bounce of Tenergy 5. I couldn’t chop right away but got the hang of it. The spin is very good too!

#58 — July 2012

No he podido probarla mucho tiempo, pero mi impresión es que es una goma ofensiva, cara, muy rápida, buena para el ataque y contraataque. En cuanto a rotación o efecto, no tiene tanto como las gomas chinas u otros modelos europeos como Donic Acuda -Hexer-Magna -menos que Tenergi-05.

Para jugar en juego corto, encima de la mesa, no va tan bien, ni para cortar ni para realizar Top Spin, pues es demasiado rápida.

Prefiero otras gomas con esponjas verdes, más baratas, como la Reactor Thunder roja, que tiene más control y efecto, menos velocidad y que para mí es mucho mejor que la Ritc 729 Higher, negra, con esponja verde estupenda, una de mis favoritas hasta la fecha, tanto de derecha como de revés.

#59 — June 2012

Finally, I found the perfect forehand rubber, Nittaku Hammond Pro Beta, which I use on my backhand as well.

This rubber is exceptionally spiny, fast, and consistent, making it ideal for offensive players. Topspins with this rubber are devastating for opponents, while blocks are easy and quick to execute.

Overall, it is one of the best rubbers on the market. If you prefer medium-soft rubbers like I do, this is the perfect choice for you.

#60 — June 2012


Please be aware that there have been instances of malicious individuals submitting extremely low ratings for various rubbers on the TableTennisDB website, intentionally skewing the accuracy of the ratings.


This behavior undermines the integrity of the data and makes it potentially unusable for those seeking reliable information on table tennis rubbers.


It is crucial to find a way to identify and discard these fraudulent ratings to ensure the credibility of the ratings system.

#61 — May 2012

Performance to a Higher Level!

Play ANDRO-RASANT and experience the power to perform at your best. This exceptional table tennis rubber is designed to provide the ultimate combination of speed, spin, and control. With its innovative formula, ANDRO-RASANT guarantees exceptional grip and precision, allowing you to dominate the game with every swing.

#62 — May 2012

What’s it like compared with Genius?

This rubber is a lot slower and bouncier, which makes it less suited for attacking play. However, it has a great spin and control, which makes it a good choice for defensive players. It also has a long lifespan, so you won’t have to replace it as often.

#63 — May 2012

The rubber has been a great addition to my table tennis game. It provides excellent spin and control, allowing me to execute a wide range of shots with precision. The rubber is very responsive, which makes it perfect for both attacking and defensive play.

#64 — May 2012

This rubber has been unfairly rated so low. Who rated it so low that it has such bad ratings?

This is the best rubber on the market to date. Tenergy cannot compete. I used to love Tenergy80, but I don’t anymore because it is no longer on the market and has an inflated rating.

#65 — May 2012

Rasant Table Tennis Rubber Review

The Rasant rubber closely resembles the feel and performance of a speed glued rubber, even more so than previous iterations. It excels in looping and counter-looping, providing excellent spin and control.

While the Rasant is a fast rubber, its control remains impressive for its speed. It is crucial to remember that it requires careful handling, similar to a speed glued rubber. To optimize its performance, it is recommended to use the Rasant on an all+ 5-ply blade.

#66 — April 2012

Rasant is the first rubber that is clearly definable as better than Tenergy.
Counter looping is so easy and the spin is so heavy it’s ridiculous.
Yet it still maintains more control than Tenergy.

#67 — April 2012

I have this rubber in 1.9 mm. The first time I smashed, the ball broke. Loopability is amazing if you know your techniques - and that with more control than Hexer HD. That tells you a lot. Close and far from the table - equals total control. It is one rubber that can be placed on all types of blades and still make great results for you. This is a keeper once you have tried it.

Butterfly Ten 05 - 64 is very sensitive to its loopspin… and is as fast as you want it to be… It is faster than all on the market today, including

It does not lack anything in the loop department. Ball placement is too good to be true as well.

So, go buy it, and renew your joy of the game.

#68 — April 2012

A fast and spinny rubber. Perfect for high-level players. Good topspin performance.

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